Executive Summary. This list shows people detained during the uprising and who are facing six months or more in jail.Since the uprising is ongoing, and since thousands of people have been and are being arrested, this situation is very much in flux. By Yader Luna (Confidencial) HAVANA TIMES – On November 14, 2019, fear once more enveloped Amaya Coppens Zamora. Muñiz faced two drug-related charges and pled guilty before the three-strikes law was implemented. Joy Powell was a consistent activist against police brutality, violence and oppression in her community. . However, the FBI had infiltrated Occupy Cleveland, created the scheme, and incited the group to join in on the plans. China: List of Political Prisoners . Occupy is a decentralized political protest movement against social and economic inequality, most active from 2011 and 2012. have been indicted for the arson of the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct during a protest on May 28. Our current two-party system gives both Republicans and Democrats an enormous advantage in campaigning and fundraising that essentially acts as a barrier to entry for third party or independent candidates. While non-hispanic Whites make up 63.7% of the U.S. population, people of African heritage and Latinos make up almost two thirds of those in U.S. jails. The search box at the top of the table acts as a filter, so for example, if you only want to display prisoners held in Wamena prison, just type ‘Wamena’ in the search box. is a long-time ecological defender. Conditions in U.S. prisons reflect a lack of basic health care, isolation from family and community, lack of educational opportunity, widespread incidents of torture and beatings, and generally degrading treatment. The problem. In many cases those arrested have been clearly set up, falsely accused, railroaded, and/or denied adequate defense and basic human rights. Among the allegations against him are the arson of a meat packing plant in Redmond, Oregon, and a power plant in Bend, Oregon. At this moment, she remains at the Federal Detention Center in Center City, held without bail, and faces a seven-year mandatory minimum sentence if convicted. Americas. If you have information or updates that would affect our listings, if you know about people who should be listed and who are not, or if you see people who are listed who should not be, please let us know. Ali Alhajee As a political prisoner in Bahrain, I want answers from the UK. Alliance for Global Justice Headquarters During his imprisonment he has published several books and other commentaries, notably Live from Death Row. is an an anti-authoritarian who was arrested in 1979 for the attempted liberation of an anarchist political prisoner. Theirs are two very different stories. To find out more about the Water Protectors visit: The Water Protector Prisoners still in prison are: Fred “Muhammad” Burton was jailed in 1970 during a time of massive police crackdowns on black activists in Philadelphia, and framed for the murder of a policeman. was already imprisoned when he appeared in a courtroom in 1970 to testify in a trial related to the Soledad Prison Revolt. His shockingly long sentence by a St. Louis judge was meant to intimidate other protestors against police brutality. were convicted of “material support for terrorism” in 2011, and given 20 and 10 year sentences respectively. Joy, a Black woman, was convicted of burglary and assault by an all-white jury; the state provided no evidence and no eyewitnesses. He organizes solidarity 5k runs with the Anarchist Black Cross, helps educate fellow inmates, and writes and edits for the 4struggle magazine. ← [Webinar] Steve Ellner: The Hardship Imposed on the Venezuelan people by US-Canadian Sanctions, Prisioneros Políticos de los Estados Unidos →, Nicaragua’s Indigenous Peoples – Neocolonial Lies, Autonomous Reality, Pueblos Indígenas de Nicaragua – Mentira Neocolonial, Realidad Autónoma, Dismissing the Truth: Why Amnesty International is Wrong about Nicaragua. Political Prisoners in the USA | Alliance for Global Justice The winner is Qin Yongmin, a human rights activist who, earlier this month, was given a 13-year prison sentence by a court in Wuhan. Political Prisoners. His shockingly long sentence by a St. Louis judge was meant to intimidate other protestors against police brutality. The current debate in the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly on political prisoners in Azerbaijan has revived interest in what, specifically, constitutes a political prisoner. was jailed in 1970 during a time of massive police crackdowns on black activists in Philadelphia, and framed for the murder of a policeman. political prisoners were victims of the COINTELPRO operations in the 1960s-70s when the FBI sought to destroy the Black liberation movement. to release them all, Small Talk: Court case may be the only way forward at Easier, James Lawton: Reds' celebrations are way too premature, Abu Qatada will be a free man in Jordan soon, his family predict, Bush administration 'broke its own embargo to sell arms to Haiti, Cuba expels visiting politicians on eve of dissident meeting, Marine Le Pen may face racial hatred charge after losing MEP immunity, Nelson Mandela: Why the world won't let go, Andy McSmith's Diary: Only $20bn? In a COINTELPRO style operation, he was sentenced to life for murdering two FBI agents. Dr. Abdelhaleem Ashqar was found guilty in 2007 of “refusal to collaborate with federal grand juries investigating the Palestinian anti-occupation movement.” Despite being acquitted of initial charges of racketeering, he was sentenced to prison for 11 years. She was warned by the Rochester Police that she was a target because of her speaking out against corruption. So far, the U.S. government has refused. He organizes solidarity 5k runs with the Anarchist Black Cross, helps educate fellow inmates, and writes and edits for the 4struggle magazine. In March 2008, Marius was arrested for vandalism of a laboratory creating genetically modified organisms for Monsanto. He was captured by Colombian forces and then extradited to the United States in violation of Colombia’s self-determination. Williams will be released in 2021. remains locked up in Glynn County Detention Center in Brunswick, Georgia where he is awaiting sentencing for his part in the  2018 King’s Bay Plowshares direct action for nuclear disarmament. is a foundational element of racist and anti-worker oppression. Marius Mason (formerly known as Marie Mason) is an environmental political prisoner serving a 22 year sentence. 202-540-8336 The number of political prisoners in the United States has risen by 12.28% since the beginning of the national uprising against racism and police brutality, bringing the total to 57. The three are Nahid Taghavi, a 66-year-old German-Iranian dual citizen; Mehran Raoof, a 64-year-old British-Iranian dual citizen and labor activist; and Bahareh Soleimani, a 43-year-old nurse. Unless folks are under the delusion that victory over the “fascists” is imminent, the condition of political prisoners should be a deeply personal, as well as political, concern to all activists. One of the central issues in the development of the American political system into a prisoners’ dilemma is the problem of money in politics. . One thousand four hundred and thirty-eight political prisoners are currently jailed. Currently there are two people still serving sentences. As recently as the 1980s, immigrants were rarely detained. There, he was spontaneously recruited into the Marin County Courthouse Rebellion, a bid to expose the racist court system and negotiate the liberation of the Soledad Brothers by taking hostages. Magazine Premium created by c.bavota. In his appeal, the government admitted it had no evidence to show he killed the two FBI agents. Brandon Baxter, Joshua “Skelly” Stafford, Connor Stevens, and Doug Wright are the Cleveland 4. He expropriated money from over a dozen U.S. banks to give to the Zapatistas of Chiapas, Mexico. In March 2008, Marius was arrested for vandalism of a laboratory creating genetically modified organisms for Monsanto. Many female political prisoners were placed in conditions where they feared being raped. Ramsey Muñiz is a Chicano activist who ran for governor of Texas in 1972 and 1974 as the La Raza Unida Party candidate. He was the National Coordinator of the Ricardo Aldape Guerra Defense Committee and involved in anti-police brutality activism in Houston. Rev. Trump administration tells torture victim he cannot sue Egypt official. Jailed Indian activist Natasha’s father dies of Covid, As a political prisoner in Bahrain, I want answers from the UK, Trump administration tells torture victim he cannot sue Egypt official, The man who would rather go to jail than disown his sister in Iran, Prisoners riot at detention centre in Venezuela days before election, North Korea’s prisons 'worse' than Nazi camps, Auschwitz survivor says, Inside Cellular Jail: the horrors and torture inflicted by the British, Iranian opposition activists stage mock execution outside No 10, California Black Lives Matter activist convicted of 'felony lynching', 'Nazi gold train' hunters to begin excavating site in Poland, Caught on camera: Burma's political prisoners, The despair of discovering humanity does not change, Cuba ready to put 'everything' on table in US talks, North Korean gulags are attracting reviews on Google Maps, Bush to keep embargo on Cuba until free elections, Police seizure of bombs foils dissident republicans, Pope steps in as Castro purges his opponents, Northern Ireland negotiations move closer to agreement, Mikhail Khodorkovsky speaks out: ‘I am not the last political, Reforms for EU will not help jailed Kurdish MPs, Vladimir Putin vows to pardon jailed oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Cuban dissidents are sentenced to 25 years in prison, Saddam frees thousands of political prisoners, Iran's leading dissident cleric to be freed from house arrest, ‘Detainees are made to dig their own graves’: Former guard speaks, Hibu shareholders condemn directors for pulling out of a grilling at, Iranian refugee who sewed eyes up wins case, The Increased Difficulty Of Concentration, Gate Theatre, London, Nelson Mandela recovery continues: Former wife Winnie says he is doing, Rome Stories: Gripped by crime and punishment, MPs to press ahead with challenge to Tory leader, Kodo Drummers,Royal Festival Hall, London, Burma's return to Miss Universe contest after 50-year break sparks, Real IRA suspect sacks his lawyers at 'show trial', Oscar Espinosa Chepe: Dissident economist jailed by Fidel Castro, We will not seek to develop nuclear weapons, Iran’s President Hassan, Dissidents renew call to Castro for rights referendum, I was lucky to escape with my life. are prisoners of empire who have been incarcerated for their resistance to the Dakota Access Pipe Line and its threats to the Missouri River and the Standing Rock Sioux people. He is incarcerated  here on bogus drug trafficking charges. Tags:political prisoners prisoners of empire US, Colombia: Congressional Action; Update; and the Great Popular Audience, NicaNotes: Nicaragua and Central American migration. The search box at the top of the table acts as a filter, so for example, if you only want to display prisoners held in Wamena prison, just type ‘Wamena’ in the search box. Amina Ali and Hawo Hassan were convicted of “material support for terrorism” in 2011, and given 20 and 10 year sentences respectively. Evidence exonerating Peltier was withheld by the FBI. All Rights Reserved. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Arrested with Laaman was Tom Manning who died in August, 2019. Tran publicly displayed the document at a protest at the state capitol to demand the release of those who had been detained on July 1. The federal government brought charges of child pornography against him, allowing them to gain access to his computers. Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. In 1975 an FBI operation led to a confrontation in which two FBI agents died. [email protected]. Ana Belen Montes was a Pentagon intelligence analyst who alerted the Cuban government of plans the U.S. government had of militarized aggression against Cuba. La Raza Unida is a political party most active in the Southwest in the 1970s that focused on working class issues and Chicano nationalism. Peltier, participated in the AIM encampments on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Many of those who die as a result of state-sanctioned violence are guilty of nothing more than fitting an ethnic profile that makes one a suspect by virtue of the color of their skin. Whether the circumstances of the alleged crimes are true or false, we strenuously reject the individualized and out-of-context treatment of these cases as simply “common crimes.” Rather, they are, each and every one, related to some ongoing struggle against repression and Empire. The NATO 5 were jailed in May 2012 before the NATO summit in Chicago, based on entrapment and the accusations of undercover police informants. Simply, people imprisoned for criticizing their country’s government. The police used violence to arrest him, but after a days-long manhunt, it was ultimately Luna Hernandez who was sentenced to 50 years in prison on trumped up charges of threatening a sheriff while resisting arrest. Jaan Karl Laaman was a member of the United Freedom Front, an underground leftist group that bombed government and corporate buildings in the 1970s, funding their tactics through bank expropriations. The two Rochester, Minnesota women had collected clothing and raised money to help destitute people in their homeland. Simón Trinidad, aka Ricardo Palmera, is a long-time leader of mass movements for social change, and was a top negotiator for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP). As of late August, the Justice Department stated that the group will be arraigned at a later date. So far, the U.S. government has refused. The political prisoners come from different groups persecuted by the State for political reasons. Copyright © 2013 Alliance for Global Justice. They were each given eight consecutive life sentences and are currently imprisoned in Arizona. The FBI was able to track down Blumenthal through Instagram, Etsy, and LinkedIn. Political Prisoners. The Guantanamo Prison, part of the U.S. base there illegally occupying Cuban land, is notorious for its inhumane and degrading conditions and systemic use of torture. The four-month trial heard from 422 witnesses and investigated the events that triggered the country’s worst political crisis since it returned to democracy after the death of General Franco. What she did was an act of personal defense against the patriarchal system, and she was also targeted because of her eco-defense, including that she was not allowed to enter a plea of self-defense. Those currently incarcerated include, but are not limited to: was with Assata Shakur (who escaped and found political asylum in Cuba). Joy, a Black woman, was convicted of burglary and assault by an all-white jury; the state provided no evidence and no eyewitnesses. These are not falling into the previous categories, in which we have included two new cases, Panter Rodríguez Baró and Yoel Prieto Tamayo. There were no eye-witnesses and no evidence independent of these informants. We have seven million U.S. residents who are in prison, on parole or on probation. We do not know if Dea has been released, but according to our latest information, Tran has been granted a pretrial release, are prisoners held in indefinite detention without trial, most since 2002. He was involved with Wikileaks and the hacktivist group Anonymous. He has been denied bail and held in solitary confinement, facing a maximum sentence of ten years. She was given 16 years. Some of these charitable committees were also still receiving U.S. funding through USAID as late as 2006. These individuals are jailed because of the U.S.’ fervent anti-immigrant political ideology. centers hold undocumented workers, families and students. During the protest, Dea retrieved a paper from the back pocket of a police officer with information and photos of resistors suspected of burning of a police car. Honduras opposition protest in 2017 (Photo by Heather Gies) Amid dismal news from Honduras of ongoing human rights crisis and high-level drug trafficking conspiracies, on August 9, a rare bright spot cropped up: political prisoners Edwin Espinal and Raúl Álvarez, jailed in pretrial detention in a maximum security, military-run prison for the past year and a half, were released … Following elections earlier in November that were widely seen as a sham, Burma's ruling military junta released Aung San Suu Kyi, the face of the country's beleaguered democratic opposition. The Islamic Republic of Iran will hold trials for at least three, and perhaps more, political prisoners on trial on April 28 according to family members and media reports. Whether the circumstances of the alleged crimes are true or false, we strenuously reject the individualized and out-of-context treatment of these cases as simply “common crimes.” Rather, they are, each and every one, related to some ongoing struggle against repression and Empire. Please see the notes at the bottom of the page regarding Guantanamo Bay, immigrant detention, and mass incarceration. In many U.S. cities, including Cleveland, Occupy protesters formed long-term encampments in central plazas and squares. There were nine finalists for the prize, all current or recent political prisoners. The repercussions of the U.S. incarceration model are felt acutely far beyond the locked doors and bars of our jails. He was arrested in 2004 in Ecuador in the process of negotiating with the UN for the release of FARC prisoners. Every year more than 400,000 immigrants are detained, and on any given day there are around 40,000 persons in immigrant detention centers. During his imprisonment he has published several books and other commentaries, notably Live from Death Row. Please take Urgent Actions to Stop New Illegal Coercive Measures against Nicaragua! The U.S. government said these groups were controlled by Hamas, a group it lists as a terrorist organization. In every instance, the cases are  political in nature, and require a political solution. Politics at CNN has news, opinion and analysis of American and global politics Find news and video about elections, the White House, the U.N and much more. Representatives Cohen, Rush and Lee Hold Forum on the FBI’s COINTELPRO Programs They were Occupy Cleveland activists arrested on April 30th, 2012 for planning to blow up a bridge. , the longest held Black Panther Party prisoner. Dunne is politically active in prison. is an American-educated Pakistani neuroscientist who was convicted in a U.S. court of assault with intent to murder her U.S. interrogators in Afghanistan and sentenced to 86 years in prison. We want to acknowledge Stan Smith and the Chicago Committee to Free the Five (773-376-7521. for initiating this project and compiling the original list in 2013. , a  leader and activist in the American Indian Movement, has been in prison for 43 years as of 2020. Gilbert took part in a botched bank robbery in 1981 along with members of the Black Liberation Army, and was sentenced to 75 years in prison. No one was harmed by these actions. He was placed  under house arrest in 2019  awaiting trial. “Movement activists of today will inevitably become the political prisoners of tomorrow.” The prosecution claims that they helped al-Shabab, an Islamist organization that fights to free Somalia from foreign domination. No one was harmed by these actions. The situation is exacerbated by the leveling of felony charges against so many of those arrested for their resistance. Ali Alhajee As a political prisoner in Bahrain, I want answers from the UK. Those incarcerated in immigration detention centers are a class of Prisoners of Empire too numerous to name. All were imprisoned for giving more than $12 million to charitable groups in Palestine which funded hospitals, schools and fed the poor and orphans. were jailed in May 2012 before the NATO summit in Chicago, based on entrapment and the accusations of undercover police informants. All were imprisoned for giving more than $12 million to charitable groups in Palestine which funded hospitals, schools and fed the poor and orphans. On July 1, police in Des Moines, Iowa arrested 17 protesters. On the low end, the human rights group Cuban Democratic Directorate counts 17 , … Posing a serious threat to the United States in violation of Colombia and was Pentagon! 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