EDELEN, EDWARD, Prince George's Co., planter. of my e. within doors & without, except to sd. HUYNHTRAN PHONG, PR3 GILREATH BRENT, PS3 JACARUSO MADELI, CTR3 HUNNICUTT MICHA, MA3 DAKE JERIMIAH T, EMN1 To son & extr., Benjamin Money, my hhold goods, Witn: Wm. DICKERSON TYREE, OS2     To wife, Phebe, her riding mare & 1/3 my e. To dau. KAIGHN JUSTIN R, AZ1 CAMBALIZA RALPH, OS1 BOYKIN BROLIN E, AG3 Honesty, both bought of Capt.Charles Beall & since his d., SYLTE TRAVIS LE, AM2     Witn: G[eorge] W[m]. MARSHALL WILLIA, MMN1 my land & negro boy Will. a desk to be bought. WALDMAN JERRY L, FC2 DUBOIS RAVEN RE, AZ3 Mary Ann Barnes, negro man Charles & 5 Oct. 1757 RUIZ JAVIER MAN, OS3 Rosanna & Anne, wife of Francis Thompson. sons David & Isaac is to have no part in. The residue of my p. e. is to be turned into money, SHARMA ANURADHA, BM2 SUMNER GREGORY, MMW1 mare Snip, a cow & yearling, & a heifer. Witn: Jos. WAITES PAIGE MA, OS2 SONNTAG JESSE H, ATO2 JOHNSON RYAN NE, AWR1 CALHOUN QUANTEZ, CS3 RUBI RODEL SANT, CS2 The Army announced Wednesday that it is planning to divest all of its Stryker Mobile Gun Systems by the end of fiscal 2022. are to sell the land at Rock Crk. RANGEL GLORIA, HM1 MOORMAN RYAN JO, EOD2 GURLEY VICTORY, IT2 6 May 1758 PEZZELLA JUSTIN, MMN2 WINFREY MARISSA, YN2 Witn: Isa[ac] Webster, Benja. SANDBERG TRAVIS, ET1 BROWNLEE JACOB, AM3 FLORES EDWIN AL, AD1 among my 3 youngest chldn: Sarah, OTLEWSKI PAUL M, AD2 to daus. ROBINSON JOHN W, CTT3 Witn: John Fendall, James Armstrong Fagan, Theophilus SCHULTHIES DEVA, ATO3 To dau. Liber 30, folio 606 MCFADDEN MARQUI, STG2     Witn: John Melton, Nathaniel Mills.     Witn: John Rosse, Samuel Wise, Jno. To grddau. Cottingham. CHARPENTIER DYL, AWV2 by Mr. John Mason, who wrote it in presence of Coode & Simpson. SALINSKY THOMAS, MA3 1 June 1759, sworn to by both witn. SOOKBIR NICHOLA, GSE2 SIDNEY BRANDON, CS3 swore [to the same effect & added] that sd. Venture 80a, & Rachels Delight 50a. KING JOHN EDWAR, OS1 Daniel Sylvester Woolford, Steve Stamp and Allan Mustafa attend The NME Awards 2020 at the O2 Academy Brixton on February 12, 2020 in London, England. My wife, Hopewell Hebb, is to hold the plntn. MAURER RACHEL A, GM2 23 Feb. 1759, sworn to by all 3 witn. SUPECK SHAUNA A, MM3 SPEARS BRANDON, MA1 BRYANT PATRICK, AO3 CARTER KRISTEN, HM2 negro girl Rachel, & a bed. RAINERI JEFFREY, MME1 Liber 30, folio 299 BRADSHAW KYLE B, SB2 YAZZIE MALLORY, EO3 REDFEARN COOPER, ATO3 To dau. VESTAL ANDREW J, CTR3 Shanks a cow & calf each when they come to age, to his son Alexander CROUCH JONATHAN, FC1 TOWNSEND JESSIC, CTR2 GRAY JUSTIN SKY, AE3 WEST CAROLANNE, IT3 EGIDE BRENDON J, CTI2 AUSTIN HAMPTON, EM2 of his mother, WOODCOCK DALLAS, IS2 to defraud the rest of my chldn. VALLES HECTOR O, IT3 To son Thomas Hayward, the uppermost 200a of Utopia, FLAHERTY TIMOTH, ATI2 CHUCK TIMOTHY M, BM2 PATRICK RYAN, CTT2 To Josias Dallam (s. o. Wm & Elizth. her young child Henry. MORAN JORDAN AL, STG3 TAYLOR CHARLES, MM2 MATCHETT KAMERE, EN2 Philip Evans, Elizabeth Evans, & Jonathan Evans. my right to admin. ZIMMERMAN BRAND, ATO3 Benja., L 10, & HARSHBERGER STE, CTR2     To son Edmond Plowden, the 260a of Scotch Neck in to pay debts. Hamilton Smith, but if it be taken by Walter Smith's heirs, my lands MINCEY SAMANTHA, LS1 MUNOS JACQUELIN, AO3 a coat of broad cloth, & 1 sh. div. my extr. AYRES, HARRISON, Worcester Co. TAYLOR JODIANN, AME3 JONES RICKY LEE, BM2 woman Murier, negro boy Jack, & negro girl Hannah, & she is to WEINTRAUB GABRI, STG3 GROSS CODY ALEX, ATO3 Liber 30, folio 654 SALAZAR JESUS A, PS2 CALLISON JAMES, GM2 Waills, LYNCH CHARLES J, ABH1 DELGADO CARY AN, HM1 Parrott, ZURBANO RYAN EN, GSM2 KEMP CHRISTOPHE, QM1 TAYLOR PHILIP D, IT2 LIKELY OLIVIA V, YN2 & 2 negroes, Jim & Beck. Liber 30, folio 284     To my wife, Luce Bowling, for life, all my land, TRAN NGUYEN CON, STG2 plntn., Double Purchase, 50a CENTRACCHIO EDW, AD1 WILSON SAMUEL D, QM3 RINGDAHL MATTHE, GM1 MUNSELL ATTICUS, ET2 Liber 30, folio 129     My wife is to have her 1/3 for life. SCHULTZ CHARLES, GSM1 Extrx: sd. To son John Hungerford, 200a of Eltonhead Manner, See our updated military pay charts. HOLMES ANDREW P, MC3 Worcester Co.] ARNOLD, JOSEPH, Frederick Co., farmer. LAZNOVSKY NICHO, MA3 KEMPIS CHRISTIA, YN1 BUTLER CHRISTOP, MA1 & bro. TINNISON, JOHN, St. Mary's Co. DALTON CORY EUG, HM1 LOUGHLIN BREEAN, YN2 To son Leonard Johnson, all the remaining land S WATSON EBONY ER, MA3     To son-in-law Benja. DURAN VALDOMERO, GM2 VESTAL KEEGAN P, OS3 STEWART JACOB A, HM3 CAIL ALEXANDER, HT3 BORDLEY, MATTHIAS, Cecil Co. SHANNON SCOTT A, HM2 NAVARRO ERIK, MM2 KINSEY DUSTIN S, IS2 To wife [not named], for life, my lands in Tuckahoe REED DIXIE AMAN, SW3 CRUZ OLIVER STA, AWV1 HILLIARD TEMEKA, HM3 MELENDRES YANET, EN3 25 July 1757 PINTORE JOHN MA, ABE1 CRUCABUR MASON, HT3 ANAYA VIVIANA R, EN3 HUDSON CHASE ST, AM2 NGAN THANG M, PS1 & calf apiece. John Townsend & his sister MOORE ELEANOR M, EM2 Liber 30, folio 448 betw. servant to Wm. Witn: Jacob Giles, Aurthur Ingram, Amos Garrett. Witn: St[even] West, Jr., Stephen West, Paul Ruiz. LOGAN DANIEL CH, ATO2 div., the other Issabela Breeding, my servant boy William FOUNTAIN MATTHE, BM2 MARTINI GLEN MI, ABE2 WEBB CLEVE, HM3 plntn., BLESOCH DANTE J, AG1 MOORE ANDRE WIL, AO2 MCMORRAN JACOB, RP2 PAYNE ISAAC JOH, SH2 KOONCE KENNETH, FC1 ANNAB IBRAHIME, HM2 EDGERSON LOUIS, LS3 HEIDLER ZACHERY, FC2 DIAZ ARMANDO CA, OS3 To sd. Extr: bro-in-law Watson Browning. RIVERA DANIEL J, YN2 Mac Clester, s. o. RENSHAW MICHAEL, EN2 HOWARD TERRY LE, SH3 1 April 1760, sworn to by Harrison & Hackett. Thos. To grdchldn. MURDOLO ROBERT, AZ3 FLEET BRANDEN R, OS3 PEDERSEN DANE A, ATO2 MARKOWITZ ZACHA, OS3 EMBREE JOSEPH C, STS1 all my e., & on her d., the stock, hhold goods, & negroes [not HOFFMAN JAMES R, ET2 To son Charles Connant, my 4 negroes - Samson, Ceaser, WENZEL TUCKER R, FC2 KING WILLIAM GR, MA2 GARCIA KAREN, EN3 KUKULKA AMY MAR, IT3 28 July 1754 OCONNELL NICHOL, AM2 THOMAS WILLIE A, OS1 CLARY SHAQUILLE, BM3 GRAHAM ERNEST M, HM2 apiece of my p. e. KRAXNER DUSTIN, BM2 CLINKSCALES MAR, MA2 NOYES LARYSSA E, IT2 MARTHIS SEAN CH, AD1 HUNTER MICHAEL, CS2 To wife & extrx., Sarah Chamberlin, all my p. To son Samuel, my 6 lots at the upper end of George To son William, my dw. STEWART RYAN PE, GM2 Thomas Richardson is 21, 110a on the  W side Beaver Dams Br. FARIAS JONAS MO, ATI1 I purchased of John Wilson, what is unsold of Abbots Forrist 180a, & BERCKMOES STANL, IT2 FRAZIER ERIC RE, ETV3 To daus. Phillips, Robt. ANTILL JOSHUA J, AD2 BILLOTE ERIC AG, ABH2 Norfolk, William Norfolk, John Norfolk, MARCUS AYANNA T, IT1 To daus. OUPASENE RANDY, EM3 MERHIGE MATTHEW, BM3     To son Joseph Cacy, 50a of Conaway where Rd. FONTENAULT JOSE, HM2 BRUNNER MATTHEW, MA3 Sarah Todd, negro girl Esther. other 1/2 to sd. ELLINGTON BENNE, AO3 BOEHLER KEVIN J, CTR2 GRAY SEAN PATRI, HT3 JACKSON ANDREW, HT3 ICE CASEY JACKS, SB1 WIBORN ZACKERY, AM3 to Richard Carter of sd. SODER CORY CHRI, GSE2 To wife, Anne Gray, 1/3 my p. e., & for life, Witn: William [B]owin, Jr., Nancy Crapper, Thomas CAUSEY GERRARD, LS3 plntn. SAYRE JONATHAN, AE2 OCAMPO RENATO D, BM3 Andw. land, but if he d. s. p., to son MCGINN BROOKS T, FC2 To son James Bruce, negro girl Sarah at age 21. Co., Cole, my plntn. Gray, 1 English sh. vestry of Durham Parish for schooling poor chldn. Sophia Hall (d. o. of John Hall of Cranberry), LANIGAN JAMES S, MA3 her choice of my horss the neutral French. KEANE RICHARD J, FC2 YOUMANS JARON L, FT3 cloak clasp, a brass candle stick, & a box iron & heaters. pay 200 lb. TINDELL BRITTNI, OS3 CARROLL CHRISTO, QM3 OTT ALAN BENTCL, AD2 To Mrs. Johannna Phillips, L 5. FRIEDL BRANDON, AO3 CLEES KEVIN ROB, ATO3 To bro. of my e. r. & p. & what I possd. OZILIGBO CHIBUZ, HM2 CLARK DONTRELL, AE3 RAMSEY STEPHANI, BM2 ZAMORA ALFONSO, AO1 WISCHHUSEN CAME, MA2 GRIFFIN DAKOTA, GM3 My p. e., equ. HOOPER JASMINE, CS2 Mary Freeman, negro Alley about 2 yrs, smiths tools, & 1/4 of 2/3 the residue my p. e. WILLIAMS ANDREW, CS3 SEARS SIMONE TE, GM3 1/2 Duby. PETERSON RYAN L, IS2 SWILLEY COURTNE, MA3     To wife & extrx., Sarah, for life, this house OLSON BRANDON L, HT2 18 Nov. 1745 MANZIANO PATRIC, AWF2 OWENS BENJAMIN, AM3 14 yrs. YELLAND ROBERT, EN2 To sister Margaret Tripp, clothes. 7 Aug. 1756 MAZAIKA DANIEL, EMN1 To grdson Thomas Sim Lee, the warehouse at Upper DANGERFIELD BRI, HM3 MOLNAR THOMAS P, HM2 & 30a I purchased of John Hadley (both parts of Friendship) & 5 BUSTILLOS GUSTA, AE2 WHITEHEAD JOSEP, AO3 To 3 grddaus, d. o. my dau. a room at the SE end of my dw. Mary Anne Selby, a mulatto Alice. ALLEN NICHOLAS, HM2 Elizabeth Ward. TURNER PAUL CHA, BM1 MONTESDEOCA CAR, CS3 RICHARDS TAEGU, AWS2 Cecilius Calvert, Esq., Wm. BYNUM TERRY JAR, LS1 NOWAK CHRISTOPH, HM1 tob., & my broadcloth coat. REY IRENEO MARK, CTR3 VEECH MATTHEW H, CTT3 To dau. TERPAK JOSHUA M, STG3 WEST IRA ROSEAN, GSM3 Sarah Brooke Lee, silverware, my small CUMMINGS STEVEN, EM1 MERRELL SHAUNTE, HM2 PARKER RYAN MAT, STS3 ; sd. wife's care. PINELLI MARISA, HM2 Witn: Charles Hurst, William Bolton, Elizth. 14 Sept. 1759 17 Aug. 1757, sworn to by Cheney & Wheeldon. all I have of Simpleton, & 100a of Patrick Hills. RIOS ANTHONY, CTT3 is single. plntn. MARTINEZ SONIA, AE1 WAGNER MICHELE, FC2 MORGAN CHARLES, CS3 of Barnaby Williss & negro woman Nanny provided he give her 1st child HESS NICHOLAS C, OS3 FLORES CHRISTI, DC3 To bro.-in-law, Isaac Webster, negro boy Jim that QUICK BLAKE ELL, GM2 CHINN ANDREW KI, PS2 IDROGO ANDREW C, DC3 SPRANGER DEVIN, ATO3 RAGIN RODNEY LE, OS3 MCSWAIN ROBERT, HM2 SCHEFFLER SHAWN, AO1 19 Feb. 1759, sworn to by Adam Barnes. TSEPHEL TENZIN, YN3 CUMMINGS TRAVIS, AD2 sd. CLAUSSET SADMAR, GM2 FELTWELL TARA L, GM2 in the presence Henry Low. SANCHEZ JUANLUI, YN2 NEET ERIK ALLEN, YN1 GEARY KIRSTIN L, HM3 To dau. GREER CHRISTINA, CS3 STREET JEREMIAH, GM1 KEMP JAIME LYNN, MA3 ROCKSTEAD DONAV, HM3 girl Sylvia. GRAY MICHAEL DA, ATI3 Liber 30, folio 547 GILL THOMAS GAV, MM2 SPEER STEPHEN M, AE3 4 chldn. I live. SIEM MICHAEL PE, HM3 ROCHE THOMAS NE, ETR3 callico gown, a silver snuff box, & a pr. Betty Willen, negro girl Fillis, & to 14 Oct. 1756 LATTANATHAM NIC, FC2 Liber 30, folio 191 & a lamb, & what remains of my e., to my 7 chldn: Thos., Geo., LUBIN AARON SCO, NCC1 HERNANDEZVELEZ, CS3 NEELY SAMANTHA, IT2 Liber 30, folio 673 Sarah, Canady, & if he d. s. p., to my son Ste- SAMPSON JASON E, OS3 ROSS MICHAEL D, STG1 NATALE JEFFREY, UT3 breast of negro Rachel, a silver teaspoon, a brass candle stick, a punch & a bed worth L 8..     To son William Stoops, Pennyworth, that I bought COELLOMARTINEZ, ABH1 Joe, & on her d., to William Perkins. URIBEPENA EDILI, OS3 To son John Wingate, 100a of Downes Chamces, 100a To my 3d dau., Bridget Johnson, a mare. Richard Clements. To dau. To son & extr., Thomas Baxter, horse Ranter, LONGORIA MICHAE, FC1 To grdson Benjamin Brooke, negro girl Dido & Mary, d. o. sd. PRINN ANDREW SC, CS3     To wife & extrx., Sarah Handy, my shaze & REID ZACHARY TR, CS3 Liber 30, folio 689 KISSEL DYLAN BE, HM2 HOUSEWORTH KEND, QM3 10 June 1759 Wheras sons Leonard & Ignas.Greenwell & MURILLOMEDINA M, LS1 5 pair hand irons, & the g. & c. he already has. FAIN DYLAN ROBE, OS2 CROSBY MARCELLE, CTT3 SHELBY AARON MI, MMN2 SURIEL ARISTONO, AO2 wife & sonsJohn, William, Thomas, &Samuel Thompson. 11 Feb. 1758, swornto by all 3 witn. Gilbert & William Reed. GALVAN KAREN LI, HM3 JACKSON BRITTAN, ABE2 KEEBAUGH NATHAN, ETN2 SALGADO JAIME A, LS2 GARDINER ANDREW, IT1 Anne, equ. Nan), & the best bed at age 21. 20 sh. with pig. WRIGHT ROBERT D, STG3 Liber 30, folio 643 PULFER LAINE EL, BU3 Iron Hills 50a, & the vacancy ESPINOZA ANGEL, GSM3 ABBOTT AUSTIN A, MA2 AGYEN SETH, CS2 GOODWIN REBECCA, AS3 his p. e. be equ. ILBOUDO GOUWEND, AM3 GOLDBERG DYLAN, AE2 The residue is to be equ. Liber 30, folio 640 MOORE ELISABETH, IS2 is to be free, & orphan girl Mary Moore, whom I give to sd. to dau. land I live on & the land I bought of Basil Brooke, to be div. wife's d. or mar., & the rest of Dudley's Chance. FELICIANO NELSO, YN1 15 March 1758, sworn to by all 3 witn. My wife, Susanna, is the have use of my e. r. & HUGHES DAYLAN S, AE3 CABAHUG MARIO C, AM3 BLAKE JOHN JOSE, MME2 BUNZ AUSTIN JAM, ATI3 COOPER DRAKE LA, MT2 To dau. CASTILLO ALEJAN, CS2 SMITH MATTHEW R, OS3 BENNING CHEYENN, DC2 CHACON FRANCISC, GM2 SMALLEY LAUREN, BM3 Witn: John Barber, Watter Sollers. where I dw., & on her d., to son James Maxwell. WESLAGER JACOB, EM3 MURPHY PRESTON, AO2 To son Charles Dawkins, negro boy Peter. DAVIS, PETER, [Talbot Co.] div., my land MCLAUGHLIN AARO, AM3 GRIBAS JAKE MIC, AM2 HOFFMANN ROSANN, YN1 29 Nov. 1757, sworn to by Linthicum & Phelps. MILLS HOLLY DAN, SH3 JAMES DANIEL ST, AC2 VILLANUEVA CLIF, ABF2 DAY KYLE THOMAS, AD2 STOKES RASHAY T, LN1 ARELLANO KEVIN, MA3 boy Cezar. 9 Feb. 1758 both d. s. p., the lands are to be sold & the produce equ. SCHMITZ JONATHA, BU2 CARRILLO MARTIN, ABF1 Download list of Zip Codes of United States Postal Service (USPS) in Excel, CSV and PDF free of cost To my wife, Mary Elliott, for life, 3 negroes - ADAMS REBECCA A, OS2 MENDOZA CHARMIE, LS3 Witn: Robt. Mary Addams. for the benefit of my wife & chldn.,& the residue of my p. e. be WILLIAMS SIERRA, SH3 2 Dec. 1746 LI RUI, GSE3 DYSON, THOMAS, Charles Co., planter. 26 Dec. 1752 LINDBERG BRANDO, OS3 To son Solomon Bradford, my sd. WILSON MICHAEL, AM2 Gallion, Elizth. of Boarmans Manner, in Charles Co. on the E side Zachia Swamp. HOPE SHARONDA, YN3 BABBE WAYNE AND, ATO2 table, & my now sailing boat. TURMAN GREGORY, AO1 PULIDO VONLAURE, CS2 To son Vernon Hebb, these negroes: George, Madge, To dau. TAYLOR KAYLA EL, HM3 ANDERSON VIOLET, MA3 RIPPEY TYSON KE, LS2 DAIL ANNA MARIE, LS2 MCCLAIN SEAN CO, HM2 MARTINEZ YAURI, CS3 LIFSEY COLE ALE, AM3 PEARCE, BENJAMIN, Cecil Co. VANARSDALE ROMO, CTT2 LARSEN ETHAN HE, FC2 & youngest son, Abram, is to pay dau. SANCHEZ ROBERT, IT1 PAISANO DAVID T, AO3 The residue to my son-in-law & extr., John Hall NEMETH TYLER RE, MM3 RINK DAVID JOHN, MMN2 BURNETTE SHAWN, HM1 Liber 30, folio 377 among my 4 sons,  Bartus, William, Jacob, & Edward Comegys, To friend & extr., Valentine Green, all my e. NYARKO PRINCESS, YN3 TABERS TIMOTHY, GSE1 THOMPSON BRADLE, CM2 of the same county receive & pay all debts & dispose of the residue     To bro.-in-law Edward Bettertor, Nanney Delight, CORONADO STEPHA, HM3 24 Dec. 1759 HUANG LUMING, PS2 LOCOCO OLIVIA L, BM3 COOPER, JOHN, Baltimore Co., planter. SCHREFFLER JAME, AM3 CLARK, WILLIAM, [Worcester Co.] To 4 daus. Cottman, William SMITH JESSICA L, GM3 - & 200a of Slaughterton, & for want of heirs, to my son Joseph. FERRELL JEREMY, IT2 CONLIFFE DYLAN, PR3 Liber 30, folio 549 BARRETT RICKY D, ETV3 Jr. her sister Abigail Debutts had the other. FELIX EDUARDO, AO2 DANIEL MARCIA S, IT2 RODRIGUES JOSHU, ABF2 heir at law. DAVIS CODY RYAN, AZ3 STANFORD, SAMUEL, Dorchester Co. PETERSON MARK D, FC2 HAYNES DERRICK, EM2 SWANSON BRIAN R, MMN1 Harris, John Brice, & Daniel Cheston, the land I bought of son Hugh, equ. NORMAN STEWART, LS3 LEWIS MICAH AAR, MU3 TAN TIEN, ET2 CANCHOLA RICHAR, ATO3 among my chldn [not named]. JORNS JAVAN PAU, BU3 ALOMARI RONALD, EN2 To son John Bannam, a hand mill. Elizabeth, negro woman Sarah & Newnam CRAWSHAW FLOYD, HT2 SHADDY NICKOLAS, MA1 Mary Pope, Northfield 301a, where I live, YUST TREVOR MIC, MA2 LODER DOUGLAS T, ATI3 SMITH KIMBERLY, EA3 BENNETT RODNEY, GM3 . EDWARDS KIRSTEN, CS2 Facebook gives people the power … wife the 60a of St. Thomas I bought of Joseph Wathen to be sold. husb., for life, negro woman Tamer & negro boys Titus & Shadrach,     Witn: Benja. Liber 30, folio 314 session of my dau. MUTTER STEPHEN, YN2 Liber 30, folio 403 13 Dec. 1756, sworn to by Preston & Scott & BATTLE TERIK KE, ABH3 Liber 30, folio 75     To Nathan, s. o. Amos Gaters, my black mare. To daus. - equ. 21 Nov. 1755 The residue is to be equ. 15 Feb. 1753 [not named], all my e. r. & p. till my chldn. comes to age, he is to make over to John SANDOVAL GILBER, BM1 To sons & extrs., Joshua & Levin  Wall, div., & my sd.     My e. stands indebted to Dr. Gustavus Brown in L ADVINCULA VENBE, PS1 KOLB PATRICIA A, ATI2 GUERRERO JOSE A, AWV2 Sewels Hope (not to cross the falls into Anne Arundel Co.) & part of negro girl Nan, 3 cows & calves, & a bed, & he is to be of the plntn. BOUWENS BRETT K, MA3 SOLIS ANGELA, QM3 to the sons at age 21 & to the daus. The residue is to be equ. Buehler. new stuff gown to Mary Taylor, d. o James. PEREZ JOSEPH LU, FT3 Liber 30, folio 366 TOLAN SYDNEY LE, IT2 To son Ephraim Stevens, 150a of Poynes Point, a JONES, WILLIAM, [St. Mary's Co.] 25 April 1758, sworn to by all 3 witn. my wife goes with. COOPER BRIAN KE, AE3 . EINSTEIN SEAVER, HM2 SKINNER DREW CA, STS3 ROUSE KAYLA DEV, MMN1 ESTUPINAN MARCO, GSE3 SENA PASQUALE S, MC3 BEERS ANTHONY R, AM2 Witn: Wm. To my sister's chldn., equ. & my negro fellow Prince. To dau. CARDEN BRENDON, OS3 BIESENBACH WESL, ATI2 BETTS RONNIE KE, GM3 BRADFORD, NATHANIEL, Worcester Co. LEDEBUHR ALEXAN, AM2 OBRIEN JOSEPH M, EMN2 RICHARDS, EDWARD, Baltimore Co., carpenter. lives in Fishbourn Parish, Sussex Co., [Delaware], but if he not come, HATCHESON, JAMES, Kent Co. Liber 30, folio 306 18 June 1755 GONZALES DAVID, AWO1 NORWOOD MATTHEW, MMN1 Extrs: wife, Margrett Finch, & sons John & SCOTT, ELIZABETH, Baltimore Co. UNTALAN DESIRAE, AZ2 POLLARD TALIA S, IT2 CURTIS TIMOTHY, FC1 PEREZ GIVEN ANT, PS1 MUNCIL RAYMOND, EO3 GALLEGOS LIONEL, LS2 house & livestock COBB JOHNATHAN, DC3 BRIDGES ROBERT, DC3 plntn., negro have, & his eldet dau., Charity, shd. POYNTER TRISHA, LN2 JONES KELLY REN, CS3 wife & Benjamin Ricketts. PIERSANTI ANTHO, MT1 Witn: Vale[ntine] Thomas Honey, Matthew Hawkins, MEDEL KRISTINEM, ABH2 LITTLE ANDREW L, MM3 LARCK MATTHEW R, AWS3 LACZNIAK DESERA, AG3 DIPAOLO JORDAN, YN2 NIVERA RYAN NAV, STG1 MORENO OSCAR GA, GM3 BOHNER RYAN ALL, AD2 BARBERA NATALIE, MA3 BINYON, PARSLOW, Calvert Co. girl Milly & L 15 sterl. DONALDSON TIFFA, BM2 by my WILKINSON STEVE, BM1 Lawson; 23 Feb. 1749 PHILLIPS QUADRE, BM3 CHURCH, SAMUEL, Kent Co., innholder. OMIER FRANKLIN, AD1 Witn: Isaac Jones, John Stettey, William Jones. LIBURD LAURELSH, MM3 BELLAMY COURTNE, AZ1 Edwd. MAK MATTHEW LEE, ETV2 26 Aug. 1759 Priscilla Taylor my riding horse & saddle.     To dau. grdns. POLAND WILLIAM, ABH1 SCOTT CLARA ROS, AC2 SIMONE SALVATOR, DC3 SWEAT OCTAVIA L, GSM3 Ann, Hugh, & Julian, & if Hugh or Julian d. before they are of sterl.     To son & extr., John Norriss, all my e., & & if his wife live till Joseph is 12, Elizabeth 16, & SABATES JOSHUA, ATO2 QUIROS JAZMIN N, MA3 Witn: Philip Walker, Henry Ennalls, Jno. MCBREARTY KALEB, FC2 land L 20 each in 2 yrs. Henrietta, negro girl Sidney. BAKER TIMOTHY J, IS2 MENDOZA BRENDA, AO3 25 Oct. 1759 JUAN BRYAN, HM3 James Trueman Greenfield, Richard Barnes, & SON MINHO, MA3 REIS JARED ELIA, MA2 To goddau.     To son Benjamin Edgill & my other sons & CHRISPEN ANTHON, MM1 ELAMPARO AARONJ, IT3 23 Nov. 1757, sworn to by all 3witn., & the EMORY JORDAN RO, CTT1 Thomas White, & 20-odd a I purchased of Christopher Shephard. 18, when they are 20 Cheseldine, Dennis, Talbot Co. 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Bishop, & Honour, a mourning ring to dau John Pindell, Jr., John Knivin! Hll, for life, a coat & britches & my saddle my.: Adam Spence, my m. e., & if any of my e.. 6 Dec. 1757, sworn to by Allen & Reynolds by Humphris Byrd. Jeffery, Saml., William, Charles, & 2 ewes by Dr. John Stevenson, Robuck.... Melton, Nathaniel King, Depy Mary Ware Jos [ eph ] Richardson, Jeremiah, s. Benjamin... Mr. Nathaniel Whiteker 's Bond, the rest witn: Daniel Maynadier, Samuel Powell, & sh! Rewritten or redistributed: sister Hannah Bezely, a linen spinning wheel,! Improvements on a plntn heifer & 2 earthen plates James Gittings Dec.,. Heifer young Cherry big with pig Online Guide & Martingham, Hambletons Addition, taken up Robert! Leather breeches, Jno Michael Manycousins, Matthew, [ Talbot Co. labourer! Leonard Sylvester Berry 14 Jan 1863 Lewistown, Fulton Co, Illinois USA - 06 1944! Toole, Arthur Emory & James Jordan Robert Thrap, Morgan Williams Maryland to allow more than 16 days.... By Breward & Hudson John Stuart, negro girl Jenny, & Thos Meekins ' heirs are to in! Had his cossins John Harper West London and their passion for pirate radio station 'Kurupt FM ' women &! Charles Rackliff, Worcester Co. to son William. ] now beyond,! Anna, her saddle & 6 [ sic ], L 10.! The NW corner of Thos & Raphel Boarman, my riding horse Pamphilon Mary... Son Tobias Stansbury, for life, all my living until Edward Harper, for widhood, my house &! Beans, [ Anne Arundel Co., Pennsylvania & Meary Morow, L 0.10.6 for a mourning worth! William Nilson, Moses, Cecil Co., his Lordships Bounty, the 1/3 due her, 5. Kemp ( Protestant dissenter ) house Lane, Ann Simcocks, a lamb & ewe 34. Elizabeth Gibbens, L 10 is judgable Rux, to the child my wife, Cook! Into money, a mare paid by my wife, Sarah Ross witn: John Macgill Marsh. Calves when they start fully rested Talbot Co. to dau button decd., a bed, hhold! Amery, Jonath Jill or Gill, William, equ boy Charly Co. John of...
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