Rafael Trujillo was one of the cruelest dictators in the history of South America. Once Rafael Trujillo took power it … Internationalen Tag zur Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Schwestern_Mirabal&oldid=211276933, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. The Mirabal sisters, four in total, came from a well-off family in the rural town of Salcedo in the Cibao region of the Dominican Republic. Patria is … [19][20] As a result, she was harassed and arrested on the direct orders of Trujillo. 1999 wurde der 25. On the way home, they were stopped by Trujillo's henchmen. [24] Everyone in the family, including Patria's teenaged children, helped distribute pamphlets about the many people whom Trujillo had killed, and obtained materials for guns and bombs to use when they eventually openly revolted. Die Schwestern Mirabal gelten in der Dominikanischen Republik als Symbol für den Widerstand gegen die Diktatur. The bodies were then gathered and put in their Jeep, which was run off the mountain road in an attempt to make their deaths look like an accident. November durch die Vereinten Nationen zum Internationalen Tag zur Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen erklärt. Dedé the second eldest was the only sister who survived. "[29] Also, one of the murderers, Ciriaco de la Rosa, said "I tried to prevent the disaster, but I could not because if I had he, Trujillo, would have killed us all. [4] The last day of that period, 10 December, is International Human Rights Day. der von Minerva Mirabal, gewidmet ist. [46], Being globally recognized as a symbol of social justice and feminism, the sisters have inspired the creation of many organizations that focus on keeping their legacy alive through social actions. When she was 14, she was sent by her parents to a Catholic boarding school, Colegio Inmaculada Concepción in La Vega. The Mirabal sisters' memory was commemorated for years in a very restrained manner, and the government treated the question of how and why they died guardedly. November 1960 ihre immer noch inhaftierten Männer im Gefängnis in Puerto Plata besucht hatten, wurden sie auf Geheiß Trujillos auf der Heimfahrt von dessen Schergen in den Bergen überfallen und zusammen mit ihrem Chauffeur erdrosselt. Mirabal Sisters. Patria Mercedes Mirabal (February 27, 1924 November 25, 1960), Maria Argentina Minerva Mirabal (March 12, 1926 November 25, 1960) and Antonia María Teresa Mirabal (October 15, 1935 November 25, 1960) were natives of the Dominican Republic who fervently opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Leónidas Trujillo. [5] All four sisters attended primary school in their village, Oja de Ague, and attended a Catholic boarding school, El Colegio de la Imaculada, for their secondary education in the city of La Vega. The Mirabal sisters (Spanish pronunciation: [eɾˈmanas miɾaˈβal], Las Hermanas Mirabal) were four sisters, known commonly as Patria, Minerva, María Teresa, and Dedé, who opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo (El Jefe) in the Dominican Republic and were involved in clandestine activities against his regime. She is married to Leandro Guzman. [32] She published a book, Vivas en su Jardín, on 25 August 2009. These women were the Mirabal sisters. At home, that was the first thing I learned... to hate Trujillo. [33], However, the details of the Mirabal sisters' assassinations were "treated gingerly at the official level" until 1996, when President Joaquín Balaguer was forced to step down after more than two decades in power. The final sister Patria she is the oldest out of all the four sisters. Today, the Mirabal Sisters are honored and recognized as heroines in the Dominican Republic and in parts of the world. [6], Patria is quoted as saying, "We cannot allow our children to grow up in this corrupt and tyrannical regime. Patria Mercedes Mirabal Reyes, commonly known as Patria, was the oldest of the four Mirabal sisters, born on 27 February 1924. Im Jahr 2010 wurde Trópico de Sangre von Juan Delancer veröffentlicht, der der Lebensgeschichte der Schwestern, insbesondere [2], The assassinations turned the Mirabal sisters into "symbols of both popular and feminist resistance". The oldest three of the Mirabal sisters were very close in age. Mirabal de González, Patria (1924–1960). Nachdem Patria, Minerva und Her point of view in the story is told through a series of diary entries in her "little book." [7] She once said, "Perhaps what we have most near is death, but that idea does not frighten me. The second eldest, Bélgica Adela "Dedé" Mirabal-Reyes , was not assassinated the day her sisters were. She has a brief romance with the revolutionary leader "Lio" before she meets Manolo in law school (also a revolutionary) and marries him. [11] Between 1992 and 1994 Dedé started the Mirabal Sisters Foundation and the Mirabal Sisters museum to continue her sisters' legacy. Minerva's sisters followed her into the movement: first María Teresa, who joined after staying at Minerva's house and learning about her activities, and then Patria, who joined after witnessing a massacre by some of Trujillo's men while on a religious retreat. P atria, Minerva and María Teresa Mirabal—three sisters from a middle class family, all married with children—may not have seemed the most likely revolutionaries. [45], In 2021, Rosa Hernández de Grullón, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic in France, inaugurated a plaque in Paris in honor of the famous Dominican resistance fighters murdered under the Trujillo dictatorship in 1960. Antonia María Teresa Mirabal, or "Mate," the youngest Mirabal sister. Patria's youngest son, named after Che Guevara of the Cuban revolution. [19] She attended the Colegio Inmaculada Concepción, graduated from the Liceo de San Francisco de Macorís in 1954, and went on to the University of Santo Domingo, where she studied mathematics. The Mirabal Sisters, were four Dominican sisters who opposed the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo and were involved in clandestine activities against his regime. The sisters — Minerva, Patria, Maria Teresa, and Dede — all went to Catholic … "[9], Bélgica Adela Mirabal Reyes, commonly known as Dedé, was the second daughter of the Mirabal family and was born 1 March 1925[10] (sometimes reported as born 29 February 1925). An example of one of these organizations is the Mirabal Sisters Cultural and Community Center, a non-profit organization that seeks to improve the status of immigrant families.[47]. [7] In 1949, the Mirabal family was invited to a party for the local elite where Minerva first caught the eye of Rafael Trujillo, so much so that the Mirabals were invited to a different party by Trujillo himself. When Carrie got on the train from Columbia City to Chicago she had only few cheap items in her trunk and her sister's address on a piece of paper. The Mirabal sisters lived during the time that Rafael Trujillo was in power and became part of the resistance against him, eventually costing their lives. Dominican Republic political activists who in the generation after their deaths were transformed into national martyrs, feminist icons and revolutionary heroes. She escaped death on that fateful day and later opened a museum in her sisters’ honor. The main reason for this attitude was Joaquin Balaguer, the Dominican Republic's figurehead president during Trujillo's dictatorship, who remained in power until 1996. Patria was never arrested but her husband and son were jailed. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. Patria was very different from most kids her age and Padre Ignacio predicted that she might just have “a calling for the religious life manifesting itself early on.” As Patria began to grow older, she began to believe what Padre Ignacio predicted, and that is why she grew into such a religious young lady. On 21 November 2007, Salcedo Province was renamed Hermanas Mirabal Province. Every few years, the mural changes. Minerva: The third Mirabal sister, and certainly the most headstrong. [18] She was quoted as saying, "It is a source of happiness to do whatever can be done for our country that suffers so many anguishes. It is sad to stay with one's arms crossed. Minerva is the one who brings the revolutionary connections to the family, and the first one to open her eyes to the injustice in society. Februar 2014) überlebte. [44] In addition there is a school campus in Washington Heights, Manhattan, Mirabal Sisters Campus. [14][15] After Minerva's rejection to Trujillo, her parents prohibited Minerva from registering for law school due to concerns that she would get involved in politics and ultimately be killed. "[30][31], According to historian Bernard Diederich, the sisters' assassinations "had greater effect on Dominicans than most of Trujillo's other crimes". [25], Minerva and María Teresa were incarcerated but were not tortured thanks to mounting international opposition to Trujillo's regime. Since their deaths, the fame of the Mirabal Sister spread internationally, also thanks to the memory work of Dede’, the only surviving sister. [12] Dedé was the last surviving sister of the family. Three of the four sisters died for their outspokenness and political activism. [26] Their and Patria's husbands, who were also involved in the underground activities, were incarcerated at La Victoria Penitentiary in Santo Domingo. Name variations: Las Mariposas (The Butterflies). Patria had three children, and being a mother did not preclude her political activism. Durch die Ermordung der Regimegegnerinnen verlor Trujillo weitere Sympathien im Inland sowie in den USA und anderen südamerikanischen Ländern. The assassinations turned the Mirabal sisters into "symbols of both popular and feminist resistance". März 1925; † 1. The destiny of Dede seems to be forecasted by the father in the early ages. In the book, Alvarez tells her depiction of the story of each sister. They are symbols of courage, love, and sacrifice. She's the spunkiest, smartest sister, and arguably the bravest (though we think they're all really brave). The 96-year-old person was born in Dominican Republic. Nachdem Patria, Minerva und Maria Teresa am 25. She is focused on law school, and succeeds in completing it as an adult, although Trujillo withholds her degree as revenge. As of 2007, she currently lives in Hermanas Mirabal … Nur ihre Schwester Bélgica Adela Mirabal Reyes (kurz Dedé Mirabal , * 1. Innerhalb der Gruppe waren die Schwestern als Las Mariposas (Die Schmetterlinge) bekannt. Another sister Maria Theresa is the youngest out of all the sisters she is pretty innocent considering she’s the baby of the family. [14], After Trujillo was assassinated on 30 May 1961, General Pupo Román admitted to having personal knowledge that the sisters were killed by Victor Alicinio Peña Rivera, Trujillo's right-hand man, along with Ciriaco de la Rosa, Ramon Emilio Rojas, Alfonso Cruz Valeria, and Emilio Estrada Malleta, members of his secret police force. It marks the beginning of a 16-day period of Activism against Gender Violence. Die Schwestern stammten aus der Gegend von Santiago de los Caballeros. When she was 14, she was sent by her parents to a Catholic boarding school, Colegio Inmaculada Concepción in La Vega. Minerva and María Teresa were freed, but their husbands remained in prison. Bélgica Adela Mirabal (1925-2014), better known as Dedé Mirabal, and only survivor of the four Mirabal sisters, passed away this Saturday, February 1, 2014, in the Dominican Republic. Patrias' husband was not incarcerated but she went along for moral support. Minerva the third Mirabal sister was the one who was more wrapped up in the revolution. [6] Once Rafael Trujillo took power it was customary to have a picture of him in the household, however, the Mirabal house never had a picture of Trujillo and were subsequently considered people in disagreement with the Trujillo regime. However, after seeing how upset Minerva was, her parents relented six years later and she enrolled at the University of Santo Domingo, where she later graduated summa cum laude. November 1960 Opfer eines Mordanschlags des diktatorischen Regimes von Rafael Trujillo wurden. Over the years of his dictatorship, he refused to step down from his throne and … [citation needed], In 1960, the Organization of American States condemned Trujillo's actions and sent observers. When she was 14, she was sent by her parents to a Catholic boarding school, Colegio Inmaculada Concepción in La Vega. Februar 1924), María Argentina Minerva Mirabal Reyes de Tavárez (kurz Minerva Mirabal; * 12. Then on June 14, 1959, Patria witnessed the Luperion Invasion, an attempt by … At this party Trujillo made more sexual advances toward Minerva who declined his offers. She is married to Jaimito during the action of the story, but the reader learns that they divorced in 1984. The Mirabals were from a relatively well-to-do provincial family. The women were each bright and cultured, with all but one of the hermanas, Bélgica Adela “Dedé” Mirabal, earning college degrees. She wants to become a nun, but she gives this idea up and marries Pedrito at … Patria Mercedes Mirabal Reyes, commonly known as Patria, was the oldest of the four Mirabal sisters, born on 27 February 1924. Within the group, the sisters called themselves "Las Mariposas" ("The Butterflies"), after Minerva's underground name. In den Hauptrollen spielen unter anderem Salma Hayek, Edward James Olmos und Mía Maestro. Dede. Die Provinz Salcedo wurde am 21. [4] They were raised in an affluent yet conservative, insular area of the Republic, but their upbringing and environment would stifle neither their strength nor their intelligence. Nach dem Scheitern des Aufstandes wurden einige Mitglieder der Familie inhaftiert; mussten aber auf Druck der USA und der OAS – zusammen mit anderen Inhaftierten – wieder entlassen werden. Die drei Schwestern Mirabal (spanisch Hermanas Mirabal) Aída Patria Mercedes Mirabal Reyes de González (kurz Patria Mirabal: * 27. [43], In 2019, the southeast corner of 168th street and Amsterdam Avenue in Washington Heights, Manhattan was designated "Mirabal Sisters Way" by the Council of the City of New York. The sisters were considered part of the social elite and were raised by their parents, Enrique Mirabal Fernández and Mercedes Reyes Camilo. Their names were Patria, Minerva, Maria Teresa, and Dede. 2009 erschien der Dokumentarfilm Codename: Butterflies der chilenischen Filmemacherin Cecilia Domeyko. Juni), die den Sturz des Diktators Rafael Trujillo plante. Dominican revolutionary whose three sisters were assassinated on November 25, 1960 for opposing the regime of dictator Rafael Trujillo. Maria Teresa "Mate" Mirabal: The youngest of the Mirabal sisters, she also attended Catholic boarding school. Her youngest sister, Maria Teresa, quickly jumped on board, outraged at the intimidation and human rights abuse that had seeped not only into the Mirabal household but the entire country. Patricia is the oldest sister. All four sisters attended primary school in their village, Oja de Ague, and attended a Catholic boarding school, El Colegio de la Imaculada, for their secondary education in the city of La Vega. This event along with many others ultimately influenced Minerva's fight against the regime. She has two children, a daughter Minou and a son Manolito. Dede Mirabal’s age is 96. Of Dedé's own three children, Jaime David Fernández Mirabal is the minister for environment and natural resources and a former vice president of the Dominican Republic. Her sections of In the Time of the Butterflies are narrated in diary form. Balaguer was Trujillo's protégé and had been the president at the time of the assassinations in 1960 (though, at the time, he "distanced himself from General Trujillo and initially carved out a more moderate political stance"). Select the correct order of sisters' ages from YOUNGEST to OLDEST Maria Teresa, Minerva, Dedé, Patria Why doesn't Mama partake in the fortune-telling of Papa in Chapter One? The sisters and de la Cruz were separated, strangled[27] and clubbed to death. [citation needed], The 200 Dominican pesos bill features the sisters, and a stamp was issued in their memory. [37][38][39][40], Hermanas Mirabal station of the Santo Domingo Metro is named to honor the Mirabal sisters. [17], At university, she met her husband, Manolo Tavárez Justo, who would help her fight the Trujillo regime. Bélgica Adela "Dedé" Mirabal-Reyes, the second oldest of the Mirabal sisters, and the only one to survive the Trujillo regime. In 1994, Dominican novelist Julia Alvarez commemorated their story with her historical novel In the Time of the Butterflies , eventually adapted as a movie starring the Hollywood actress Salma Hayek in the role of Miranda Mirabal. The sisters were considered part of the social elite and were raised by their parents, Enrique Mirabal Fernández and Mercedes Reyes Camilo. [11] Unlike her sisters, she did not go to college but instead took the role of the traditional homemaker,[11] and helped her father with the family business. Patria Mercedes Mirabal Reyes is the oldest of the Mirabal sisters and the most religious. [6], Patria Mercedes Mirabal Reyes, commonly known as Patria, was the oldest of the four Mirabal sisters, born on 27 February 1924. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women", "La tragedia de las hermanas Mirabal: cómo el asesinato de 3 mujeres dominicanas dio origen al día mundial de la No violencia contra la mujer", "The Three Sisters, Avenged: A Dominican Drama", "Mirabal Sisters of The Dominican Republic", "The Mirabal Sisters- The Nov. 25th Revolution", "Last Surviving Mirabal Sister, Doña Dede, Dead at 88", "Dedé Mirabal Reyes and Minou Tavárez Mirabal to speak Nov. 6", "Violencia y discriminación de la mujer, un problema muy grave en R.Dominicana", "Celebrating Our Latina Feminists Foremothers", "The Mirabal Sisters: The three "butterflies" who were killed because of their activities against the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo", "Women's Political Participation in the Dominican Republic: The Case of the Mirabal Sisters", "Las Mariposas: The Mirabal Sisters' Role as Heroines of the Dominican Republic", "The Murder and Assassination of the Mirabal Sisters", "THE ASSASSINATION The Murder of the Sisters Mirabal", "Joaquín Balaguer, 95, Dies; Dominated Dominican Life", "Proyecto de Ley mediante el cual se modifica el nombre de la provincia Salcedo a provincia Hermanas Mirabal", "Provincia Salcedo pasa a llamarse "Hermanas Mirabal, "Obelisco del malecón restaurado con obra de Dustin Muñoz", "INVITATION: Sun. She joined the revolution while she is living with her sister Minerva. In 1997, the telecommunications company CODETEL (now Claro) sponsored a mural by Elsa Núñez. Three of the sisters were assassinated on 25 November 1960. On 17 December 1999, the United Nations General Assembly designated 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in honor of the sisters. [3] The secret movement was discovered weeks after its founding leading to Patrias house (where the group met) being burned to the ground and María Teresa and Minerva's arrests. And they willingly gave their lives to end Trujillo’s. When she is already 18 and is ready to go out on her own. She left school when she was 17 and married Pedro González, a farmer, who would later aid her in challenging the Trujillo regime. There are many people involved in the story: the Mirabal sisters, Maria, Patria, and Minerva, the cruel dictator Rafael Trujillo, Enrique Mirabal, the father of the sisters, Dede, the second-oldest and the only surviving sister of the famous family, and others. Nach dem Scheitern des Aufstandes wurden einige Mitglieder der Familie inhaftiert; mussten aber auf Druck der USA und der OAS zusammen mit anderen Inhaftierten wieder entlassen werden. She marries Leandro and has one daughter, named Jacqueline. Bélgica Adela Mirabal Reyes was born on March 1, 1925, to Enrique Mirabal Fernández and Mercedes Reyes Camilo. Her involvement in the revolution centered around her admiration for her older sister, Minerva. She died at the age of 88, and professed her entire life that it was her destiny to survive so that she was able to "tell their story. Minerva was the most vocal and radical of the Mirabal daughters, and she was arrested and harassed on multiple occasions on orders given by Trujillo himself. She left school when she was 17 and married Pedro González,[7][8] a farmer, who would later aid her in challenging the Trujillo regime. [20], Later in her life, María Teresa dated Leandro Guzmán. Notably, the Mirabal sisters were all born quite close to Trujillo’s rise to power in 1930; Patria, Minerva, and Maria Teresa were born in 1924, 1927, and 1936, respectively. The oldest was Patria, born 27 February 1924, followed by Dede, born 29 February 1925, then Minerva (full name Maria Argentina Minerva Mirabal Reyes), born 12 March 1926, and the youngest (by quite a margin) was Maria Teresa, born 15 October 1935. [23] Minerva became involved in the political movement against Trujillo, who was the country's official president from 1930 to 1938 and from 1942 to 1952, but ruled behind the scenes as a dictator from 1930 until his assassination in 1961. "[9], While attending the Colegio Inmaculada Concepción, Minerva discovered that her friend Deisi Ariza's father was killed by Trujillo for opposing the regime. 1981 wurde der 25. "[14], On 25 November 1960, Patria, Minerva, María Teresa, and their driver, Rufino de la Cruz, were visiting María Teresa and Minerva's incarcerated husbands. The last sister, Dedé, died of natural causes on 1 February 2014. “This show is kind of a memory replay of the surviving sister, looking back and telling the story of her sisters’ lives, their political awakening and how they became resisters,” McCoy described. [3] In 1999, in their honor, the United Nations General Assembly designated 25 November the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. María Teresa: The youngest of the four Mirabal sisters, she is very materialistic. Minerva was the first woman to graduate law school in the Dominican Republic. She was both afraid of the things … Zusammen mit ihren Ehemännern unterstützten sie die Gruppe Agrupación política 14 de junio (Politische Gruppierung des 14. It is sad to stay with arms crossed.” – “Mirabal Sisters History,” “Mirabal Sisters Cultural and Community Center,” 7th March 2016. [4], The Mirabal family were farmers from the central Cibao region of the Dominican Republic and had a farm in the village of Ojo de Ague, near the town of Salcedo. "[9], Antonia María Teresa Mirabal Reyes, commonly known as María Teresa, was the fourth and youngest daughter, born on 15 October 1935. [citation needed], After the assassinations, the surviving sister, Dedé, devoted her life to the legacy of her sisters. While dating, before Leandro was allowed to hold María Teresa's hand, she asked him how his family felt about Trujillo. November 2007 durch Präsident Leonel Fernández offiziell in Hermanas Mirabal umbenannt. Oktober 1935) waren dominikanische Regimegegnerinnen, die am 25. "[13], María Argentina Minerva Mirabal Reyes, commonly known as Minerva, was the third daughter, born on 12 March 1926. 1994 erschien der Roman En el tiempo de las mariposas (Die Zeit der Schmetterlinge) von Julia Álvarez, der 2001 durch Mariano Barroso unter dem Titel In the Time of the Butterflies (Die Zeit der Schmetterlinge) verfilmt wurde. María Teresa was influenced by her older sister Minerva's political views and was involved in the clandestine activities against Trujillo's regime. Patria Mirabal Patria Mirabal is the oldest of the sisters, not to mention the most religious. [34], A review of the history curriculum in public schools in 1997 recognized the Mirabals as national martyrs. It was not until a group of sisters slapped Trujillo in the face (both literally and figuratively) that the nation finally found the courage to follow their example and oust the despot. She raised their six children, including Minou Tavárez Mirabal, Minerva's daughter, who has served as deputy for the National District in the lower house of the Dominican Congress since 2002 and was deputy foreign minister before that (1996–2000). 2/10 Street Co-Naming Ceremony to Honor the Mirabal Sisters", "Commemorative plaque in Paris: the Rep Dom pays tribute to the Mirabal sisters", "Michelle Rodriguez Producing and Starring in Historical Feature", Mirabal Sisters Cultural and Community Center, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mirabal_sisters&oldid=1022633648, People murdered in the Dominican Republic, Articles with dead external links from January 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Chilean filmmaker Cecilia Domeyko produced, This page was last edited on 11 May 2021, at 16:25. [28] As to whether Trujillo ordered the killings or whether the secret police acted on its own, one historian wrote, "We know orders of this nature could not come from any authority lower than national sovereignty. Dedé did not join in, partly because her husband, Jaimito, did not want her to. Das „Museo Hermanas Mirabal“ befindet sich am letzten Wohnort der Schwestern, fünf Kilometer östlich von Salcedo in Conuco und wurde von Dedé Mirabal (1925–2014), der einzig überlebenden der vier Geschwister, geleitet. Being only eighteen she was still "full of the illusions of ignorance and youth"(Dreiser, 7). ...Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie is a simple tale of a young, pretty eighteen year old girl Caroline Meeber also know as Carrie. Um den Mord zu vertuschen, wurde ein Autounfall fingiert, jedoch konnte das Verbrechen aufgedeckt werden. The killings, he wrote, "did something to their machismo" and paved the way for Trujillo's own assassination six months later.
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