The films suggest that the Norwegian was a novice, if not a completely inexperienced shooter. Whether or not he burned himself or the Thing burned him is hard to say. Carpenter persuaded the production designer to watch the earlier film and design the ice block accordingly. After they fired on it with the shotguns and handgun, seeing that it didn't do any damage, Mac orders Childs to torch it figuring it'd be the best bet. It was a cellular infection which took some time to gain control of his body and "conscious" mind. Obviously, the craft would have to travel some distance before reaching the ocean, which would have to be traversed in order to reach another country. Much of the film was simplified in order to make the budget stretch further. However the essence of the book is captured in the film and it is more faithful than the 1951 version. Here's the worst thing that Palmer ever did on NCIS. So Mac finishes off the Norris-Head-Thing with the flamethrower.Copper: While trying to resuscitate Norris, his arms get bitten off by the Norris-Thing and he presumably dies from a combination of shock, loss of blood, and possibly also smoke inhalation (as everyone is trying to get away from the Norris-Thing, while Copper is still left lying nearby as there was no chance for anyone to get to him without being attacked combined with the fact that Mac let the Thing burn as long as possible). Sanchez (Windows) tries to pull the axe out but it won't budge, Childs and Palmer theorize there wasn't enough time to assimilate Fuchs so it killed him instead. He may have also killed the dogs to prevent infection when we see Clark at the dog kennel sorrowfully looking at a dead dog with a fire axe in it's neck, though we know that an axe would not be sufficient enough to prevent that but keep in mind that Blair has lost his sanity at this point. Edit, One of the many questions and plot lines with no definite answers, though there is one explanation that seems more logical. The storm's been hitting us hard now for 48 hours. The device would let it return to space using atomic power, but the remaining crew end up killing the thing before it can use the device to return to space or possibly fly to another heavily-populated area on Earth. Recast of old discontenued kit. The Thing gained more control as the cellular infection increased over days. There is a panning shot from the ship to the now revealed starry night sky above, showing that the ship has, in fact, been completely uncovered before Mac, Norris and Palmer arrive. The theory of Mac being infected because he gives Childs the bottle and then laughs is not strong; we never see the Thing employ the "single-cell assimilation" technique at all during the film, and we don't even know if it's possible. In a bid to determine the identity of the remaining crew of U.S. Outpost 31, R.J. MacReady developed a rudimentary blood-test involving a heated copper wire and samples taken from the men. Moments later, Nauls sees Childs run outside. Mac begins working with Fuchs to try and find an alternative test to figure out who is human and who is a Thing. The Spider-head sequence is omitted, instead it is replaced with MacReady torching Norris's infected blood to see it reacting to the fire. Note the rifles Windows reaches for are locked in a cabinet that he has to break open, possibly due to the desire to save them for emergencies. Copper, Norris, McReady, and roughly half of the 37 survived to the very end of the book and the creature is defeated, giving the book a happy ending. He was killed offscreen by Stranger Dog as we only see his shadow this turns him to a thing. A prequel to John Carpenter's 1982 version, also titled The Thing (2011), was released in 2011. It had a PG rating, had a very light-hearted and optimistic view of alien visitation whereas The Thing was the exact opposite. This way Mac would be able to assimilate another victim. Childs interrogates Clarke about the dogs escape. The movie's production budget was approximately 15 million USD and although it grossed close to 20 million domestically, the studio would not have made their total outlay back (due to marketing and distribution costs and the fact that theaters keep, on average, almost half of the box office for themselves). After Mac administers the test to Clark's blood and he's ruled out as assimilated, Childs calls Mac a murderer. Clark charged at Mac with a scalpel. Even though he tied everyone down and came up with the hot needle blood test, it might very well have been that the test was a "crock of shit" as Childs put it. The base is suddenly buzzed by a helicopter from the nearby Norwegian research station. The video game, for example, implies Childs to have died but reveals that Mac survived. In the novel there are 37 people stationed at the camp, in this film there are only 12. Also, we did see that the Burned Corpse-Thing did have enough cellular activity left to infect Bennings, and so it's not impossible that a small piece of it broke off and hid for its own survival. It then kept Childs away from danger until the situation was over, like protecting the queen in a chess game. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. He had seen the "Splitface" corpse at the Norwegian camp, which had been burned with kerosene. The script verifies this, as does his attire later in the film when they lock up Blair (he wears the same coat as he nails a board over a window). It happens to millions. A lengthy search finally reveals the burned corpse of Fuchs. Although Blair says, "no dog can make it a thousand miles to the coast," he was more or less referring to a dog on its own, and not a team with a master. Another theory is that Mac could still have been a thing. While flying in a straight line allows for steadier aiming, either way would be extremely difficult even for a seasoned shooter. Take your pick of the most spacious and luxurious 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments Englewood, CO has ever seen. In the film, the characters rely largely on fire in the form of flares and flamethrowers, and in the case of Palmer and Blair, dynamite. The Thing (1982) David Clennon as Palmer. (1982). Splitface) that Mac and Copper found at the Norwegian base. The prequel presented the more credible scenario that they only cleared a smaller access tunnel, and that the ship melted itself out of the ice when it was briefly activated. What is the burnt Thing found at the Norwegian camp with the two faces? Mac also had seen evidence of the Norwegians using fire against the Thing. It is neither male nor female as it does not procreate by having sex but rather consuming living cells and replicating them. “I made a lot of people rich, but I didn’t come away with any money. Childs hits the alarm as MacReady, Sanchez (Windows) and Palmer come back from the outside. Cohen goes on to indicate that MacReady's line upon the discovery of the spaceship, "Blair's been busy out here all by himself" is to indicate that Blair was a thing for quite awhile, long enough to have adequate time to build the spacecraft.It's also worth noting that between the scene where he runs the computer simulation, and the time we see him again destroying the radio room, the yellow button-down shirt he was wearing has disappeared. When his stomach explodes we can see a second Norris head has formed, probably while coping the original.In regards to Theory 1, the Burned Corpse-Thing brought back from the Norwegian camp uses a similar ploy, faking death until it has the opportunity to attack an isolated Bennings. Saliva infection takes much longer. Gender: Male: Format: Java: Model: Steve: Tags: Other. A US research station, Antarctica, early-winter 1982. It's been shown earlier that when a Thing is discovered, it will reveal itself and try to take action, so why would a self-realization not trigger the same reaction. Copper is the first to be tested instead of Sanchez (Windows). The Thing is brought back to the American base and, too late, the scientists realize that it is alive and lethal. The group isolate him immediately, the sequence of events take much longer in the film. In the next scene when MacReady wants to tie everybody down in order to do the blood test, Clark moves closer to Mac, pretending to support him in his idea. The Norwegians were likely trying to slow it down to catch up with it so they could deal with the Thing properly, i.e. Kom dere vekk, idioter!" Free Shipping. This would suggest that the man who made this film intended them to survive.A number of unofficial continuations exist which have suggested different fates of the characters. Bennings can be ruled out because he was found in the middle of his transformation. Mac dumps a drum of fuel onto the Bennings-Thing and lights him on fire with a flare. Is Mac a murderer since he shot Clark in self defense? Seeing as how the novel is a short story and published in 1938, there are a significant amount of differences. Copper finds a tape recorder and plays it where he hears a Norwegian talking. Edit, R.J. MacReady: Survives the events of the film (though it is a possibility that he froze to death some time afterward).Childs: Survives the events of the film (though it has been argued that he was assimilated by the Blair-Thing, and it is possible that he froze to death as well).Blair: Seemingly goes crazy and cuts off the group from the outside world by destroying the snow-cats, the helicopter, the radio equipment, etc. That People Thing 74 Harts Hill Road Thatcham Berkshire RG18 4NU T. +44 (0)1249 454 117 M. +44 (0)7808 581 242 E. [email protected] Office hours: Mon - Fri: 9am to 5.30pm Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again. If Blair was a Thing, then he would have been trying to throw Mac off, drawing suspicion towards a man who was still human whilst the Thing continues to infect the team.Another possible, but remote, theory is that Blair was infected during the autopsy of the burned corpse-Thing or the remains of the dog-Thing. Everyone is dead, and only the half charred remains of some unidentifiable thing left to smolder outside the compound might offer any answers to what may have happened. It seems unlikely the Thing would intentionally crash in Antarctica and then attempt to crawl away from its ship. The Americans take it to their base and deduce that it is an alien life form. Edit, The best explanation is that it was far too early; the Norwegian threat (for the Thing) had been eliminated, and it was safe for now. This would have been a perfect opportunity for Blair to sneak out of his room, get the keys lying on the storage room floor, open the freezer locker in the storage room, and tamper with the blood by slicing the bags with a knife or razor (or even just the sharp end of the keys) before going out to kill the sled dogs, as well as destroy with the tractor and helicopter. The block of ice was quite big with some type of weird outline carved in it, suggesting a large and relatively thin creature. The logic here is that Fuchs somehow realized he had been taken over or at least deduced some reason why there was a good chance of him being taken over. As Mac says "Watchin' Norris in there gave me the idea that... maybe every part of him was a whole, every little piece was an individual animal with a built-in desire to protect its own life." In an early version of the prequel The Thing (2011), the Thing was one of many species collected by the alien race piloting the spaceship, but this revelation was later dropped from the finished film. Norris watches Copper who comments on him having a checkup for his chest pains. After a while it is apparent that the alien can take over and assimilate into other life forms, including humans, and can spread like a virus. after MacReady inputs a move on the keyboard, MacReady angrily pours his scotch into the computer tower, frying it, NBC Fall Schedule: This Is Us' Last Hurrah Pushed to 2022, All-l&o Thursdays, B99 Farewell Gets Olympics Launch, Zoey's and Good Girls Mia, John Carpenter's Tales of Science Fiction: Hell Comic Trailer Brings Issue #1 Sneak Peek, Editors' Picks: Our Favorite Reboots and Remakes, 80 of the Best Horror Movies to Stream Today, IMDb Top 250 Movies With Average Metascores. It's imitating a dog, it isn't real! In the book, more and more people start becoming paranoid and having mental breakdowns due to not knowing if anyone else is human. Reclaiming the Sacred in Knowing, Teaching, and Learning by Parker J. Palmer Download PDF We all know that what will transform education is not another theory or another book or another formula but a transformed way of being in the world. Edit, There's really no explanation. Afterwards, the creature crawled out of ship and to the surface through that tunnel. Viewers have suggested several possibilities. A human Blair would, naturally, want to come back inside. Whereas in the film, Mac is simply a helicopter pilot who assumes the role of the leader when Garry is suspected of being infected. Edit, Fuchs just felt Mac was the one most likely to be trustworthy. As the men return to the compound something cuts the guideline and Childs is blown away into the storm. Since the scene ends this way we can assume that Fuchs assisted Blair in other ways during this autopsy even if it was just "Hold this" or "Move that." User Reviews Here, the first Thing to be discovered is killed by electricity. They were popular in the Antarctic until banned by the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty in 1992. This is translated to: "Get the hell outta there. The base is suddenly buzzed by a helicopter from the nearby Norwegian research station. The Thing thaws out and is off, not only killing anyone and anything that crosses Its path, but also absorbing them, making Itself into whoever and whatever it wants. Even if Clark had just intended to tackle MacReady, shooting him would have been Mac's only option. Thanks to delaney1414 for adding these lyrics. The wobbling could likewise have been caused by proximity to Earth's gravitational pull or simply a mannerism of the craft's flight, such as a maneuver used to slow down the spaceship before entering the Earth's atmosphere. The first is a shot of the camp the next day, burned to the ground with billows of smoke rising into the air. What differences are there between the script and film? The first and probably most logical is that one of them is still human at this point. Those garments and items are soiled with possible dried blood and other body fluids. An NYPD officer tries to save his wife and several others taken hostage by German terrorists during a Christmas party at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles. Edit, The most logical answer is that they were to be used to quickly melt ice if the need arose. It probably wanted to scope out the entire camp before going after anyone; look for isolated parts of the camp that would be good to assimilate other victims. Alternatively, if assimilation needs to proceed quicker, then the Thing simply attacks its victim to cause more infections. There is certainly enough time for him to be assimilated, but he does have an alibi. But after Fuchs saw him (his shadow), he quickly threw Mac's jacket on the snow, maybe to lure Fuchs out on the open so he could have better shot at killing him with flamethrower. Also, Carpenter had the idea that each of these men had a reason for wanting to be away from the rest of the world, which is why they are a skeleton crew manning the station during the winter months. This scene is important because it perfectly mirrors the humans in the film: Thing imitations work together until one of them is compromised, then they turn against each other until they know they're safe again... often at the cost of one of their own. In a bid to determine the identity of the remaining crew of U.S. Outpost 31, R.J. MacReady developed a rudimentary blood-test involving a heated copper wire and samples taken from the men. The Blair-Thing likewise avoids the other men until it finally reveals itself when it is confronted in the bunker. The most logical answer would be that they both froze to death, seeing as their only source of heat was their burning base, whose fires probably would have died out by the morning. Therefore, Blair can be ruled out as a suspect. Cellular infection is highly probable at this point. So they decided it was best not to take him then. Sometime after being assimilated by the Thing, we see Norris grimacing with pain while he is taking off the flamethrower on his back before helping the other men board up the outside doors and windows during a moment of stress. At the end of the Long-Johns scene when Childs asks Blair if he believes what the others are discussing, Blair says a few lines about the Thing entering their camp and getting to the dog before it fades to black. User Ratings In the book, it's theorized (and ultimately implied) that the Thing is telepathic and can read everyone's thoughts and memories which is why it's able to perfectly imitate anybody including their personalities. | The slip or fall produces a subluxation. Palmer would be the logical choice for assimilation because the Thing knows he is a helicopter pilot (the dog-Thing has heard him volunteer to fly Copper to the Norwegian camp but Garry sends Mac instead) and is therefore best suited to help it escape. If Fuchs had burned himself, it would explain why the Thing had to re-plant the evidence (the torn piece of clothing with MacReady's name stamped on it) in Mac's shack. Awards The Thing may have known the best strategy was to start someplace remote, so virtually nobody would know until it was too late, although it is stated the spacecraft crashed about 100,000 years ago so this would not have been an issue, as man was still very primitive. In his story, Carpenter would explain the age difference of the actors between the two installments by having frostbite on their face due to the elements until rescued. Edit, Yes. If the craft was capable of flight, the Thing could feasibly fly to another country. Difficulty: beginner. Mac himself says that they would crawl away from a hot needle to save itself. Unfortunately for the Thing, Clark heard the commotion as did MacReady, leading everyone in the camp to discover it. However, if Childs was infected, and spat out the earring, it could easily have been lost depending on his location (if he were outside at the time, it could have gotten buried in the snow; if Blair had assimilated him inside the coat room, it could have rolled under something). As Childs readies the flamethrower, Bennings is pulled beneath the ice by the third Thing dog, only his head remains above the ice. The ice cave crumbles, and ship becomes visible from above, too, which explains the crater in 1982 movie. Presumably the dog-Thing infects whoever the shadow belonged to. The men discover the three remaining dogs have broken loose. Nauls wanders into another room and is not seen again. )When stored, blood plasma is nearly frozen, and would take several hours for it to thaw out and run the way it did when we first see the fridge locker several hours later in the morning with a trail of blood seeping from it when Copper arrives to open it. During the blood test, a total of 14 camp members out of the remaining 36 are discovered to be infected and killed, including Garry, Clark and another central character in the novel named Connant. Childs allows Clarke to go to the bathroom as the lights go out all over the camp. That also happens to millions. We know this is a considered by Blair. 9000. Free Shipping. He is afraid that the Thing will escape and infect the entire planet. This title was designed to distinguish it from the Marvel character, The Thing (of Fantastic Four fame). The scene with Fuchs and MacReady discussing Blair's notebook in the tractor is omitted. If you look closely in the final scene, Childs has an earring. The second possibility is that neither Palmer nor Norris know that the other is a Thing, though this is highly contested. Fuchs is in his lab when the power goes out. The scene of them showing Split-face to the rest of the camp takes place further on in the film after Mac and Copper get back. There is a scene earlier in the film, in which the infected dog is seen walking into a room, and an unidentified man's shadow can be seen on the opposite wall. Det imiterer en bikkje, det er ikke virkelig! He could have burned himself if the Thing had come to attack him. The ending of the prequel is right when this film starts. Mac suggests they should maybe do nothing. The Thing is a 1982 American science fiction horror film directed by John Carpenter and written by Bill Lancaster.Based on the 1938 John W. Campbell Jr. novella Who Goes There?, it tells the story of a group of American researchers in Antarctica who encounter the eponymous "Thing", a parasitic extraterrestrial life-form that assimilates, then imitates other organisms. (Note that the figure appears to be tall and thin, unlike Blair's large and somewhat obese structure.) MacReady kills the Blair-Thing with a stick of dynamite which also sets off the rest of the bombs destroying the majority of the installation.Nauls: Heads to the basement to rig explosives with Mac and Garry. However, some have argued that one (or both) of the survivors are actually Things. In the film, Blair takes it upon himself to isolate the group and the radio had been dead before they realized they had any problems. (1) The craft was to be used by the Thing to travel to another base in Antarctica or another country where it would have more life forms to replicate, or (2) The Thing was building a craft to travel into space away from Earth (the less likely explanation). Later, Fuchs suggests to MacReady that if it only takes a small part of the alien to take over an entire organism, then people should eat out of tincans and only eat meals that they have cooked and prepared by themselves as this would be a way for the alien to prevail, again implying that the alien could get to you slowly just by touching without having to assimilate immediately. John Carpenter stated that he believed the project should proceed, but the Sci Fi Channel later removed all mention of the project from their homepage. with no evidence. When the Dog Thing attacks the other dogs, you see that Childs b Palmer and the Dog Thing - … The men can be heard in the rec room stumbling over each other and crying out in fear. Everyone is suspect, anyone can be The Thing, and no one trusts anyone anymore. Does it have anything to do with the cold air or altitude? The Thing would have carried that knowledge from that camp to the U.S. camp and decided to ruin that test as quickly as possible) Just because Palmer and Norris were both revealed as Things later does not mean they were both Things at that given moment. Palmer was the thing by the time test was done and childs wasnt because his infection was only accelerating. Hallahan states that he always believed Norris knew at this point something was wrong with him and refused the offer because of the slight feeling that he may be the Thing, which directly supports the second theory. Was this review helpful to you? The Thing may have killed Fuchs to make sure that there were no scientific minds capable of forming a test, as Blair was locked up and Copper had been drugged. on which this movie is based, the character or Blair has a nervous breakdown and they isolate him in solitary confinement in a cabin. MacReady asks Palmer to disassemble the snowmobiles to stop anyone else escaping. At the Norwegian Camp MacReady bumps into a human arm pinned by a closed shut door still gripping an extinguished welding torch, he opens the door and the severed arm drops to the ground. He had just moved to … Since the Thing does not appear to be capable of transforming its shape without directly assimilating another life form, it can be suggested that the Thing is only capable of replicating life forms with which it is in immediate contact. Each "copy" of the Thing (or "imitations" as they are called in the film) is basically an exact replica or "clone" of the Thing in the form of the person or animal it kills. 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