1. They will then become those days, separated from you by a distance of time. Rotten Tomatoes: 88% - Kay Graham (The Post). These days will soon be over (a future ending) is when you'd use these.You are still living through the days, but not for much longer. [referring to the tied up box next to him in the seat on the plane] Apply it in some way in a forum setting. Also, the final scene of the film where they introduced the Watergate scandal just felt tonally off. Ben Bradlee: Let’s do our job. Discussion questions: I saw The Post at an AARP screening with a friend. Change ). Ben Bradlee: The Time sent seven thousand pages detailing how the White House has been lying about the Vietnam War for thirty years. The legacy of the company is at stake. ( Log Out /  Most Americans fell for the lies about Iraq. Kay Graham: We can’t hold them accountable if we don’t have a newspaper. The most highly classified documents of the war. Fritz Beebe: She can’t do this. Man on Phone: This is a devastating security breach that was leaked out of the Pentagon. I left because it was one of those situations where the current political climate and the great divide in the US was motivating opinion rather than real, critical thinking (group think – lemmings). What I didn’t like in “The Post”, was the contrived and vastly over done acting. Top-secret US government papers revealing disturbing truths about the Vietnam War was leaked and were being distributed to certain newspapers, including the New York Times. Drama co-produced and directed by Steven Spielberg, inspired by true events the story centers on the unlikely partnership between The Washington Post‘s Katharine Graham (Meryl Streep), the first female publisher of a major American newspaper, and editor Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks), as they race to catch up with The New York Times to expose a massive cover-up of government secrets that spanned three decades and four U.S. Presidents. Metacritic: 83/100 Washington Post Attorney: If the government wins, The Washington Post will cease to exist. We tried to lie our way into the party, but we were immediately recognized as freshmen and told to leave. Kay Graham: Do you have the papers? Well, the tune has been changed. timely topic (given current political conditions) and is held together by the ever magnificent performances from Streep and Hanks. They Lied! Kay Graham: You know what my husband said about the news? I mean, it is nominated for a Best Picture, and it deserves its spot there. While here, they have been in frequent contact with Clay Campbell who is the elected State’s attorney (Prosecutor) of DeKalb County Illinois which (sic) jurisdiction over this crime.” This would indicate the extent of prosecutorial involvement and misconduct in the … – Post-Film Depression, Follow Post-Film Depression on WordPress.com. As an actress, there are others that are far better. Cast: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Sarah Paulson, Bob Odenkirk, Tracey Letts, Matthew Rhys. I especially liked seeing how newspapers were printed. But most of the politicians lied, most especially Democrat governors…. Ben Bradlee: The way they lied, those days have to be over. The public didn’t want to stay in Afghanistan for 20 years, but they did, and they got their way because they lied. I must say though, it’s one of the most well-orchestrated films I’ve seen in a while. I know they have been looking at me, but I’ve never done anything illegal. The country will lose! We HAVE to rise ABOVE the script that they have laid out for us that we have been following to the letter and shed those harmful beliefs and go straight to the heart and see that no one person is better than ANY other person and that we ALL have value and worth and that we NEED each other to try to be victorious over these madmen. Not everyone knows these US figures, no matter how famous they may be. The plot centers around Katharine Graham (Meryl Streep), owner of the Washington Post, a then family owned newspaper business which she inherited from her late husband and father. Ruined the atmosphere of the film and it would’ve been fine to cut that scene out. Arthur Ballet the theatre professor at that U of MN named this for the action that takes place out of the viewers eye. What did I like: I really liked the display of the newspaper business and the risks the journalists took to bring real news to light. Ben Bradlee: If we don’t hold them accountable, who will? The portrayal of Pres. [to Ben and Kay] I left the movie feeling like I had food poisoning from my favorite restaurant. But it suffers from a bit too much cliche and predictability, that makes it a little forgettable and uninspiring at times. I don’t like hypothetical questions. Do you think it’ll win any of its Oscar nominations? Yes, that’s right; and who better than Meryl Streep is a master of fussy dithering on screen. He called it the first rough draft of history.' [referring to Kay] Ben Bradlee: What will happen if we don’t publish? A clip for JonTron's video, Monster Party. New Reporter: The New York Times was barred from publishing anymore classified documents dealing with the Vietnam War. The most highly classified documents of the war. Tony Bradlee: [to Ben] To make this decision, to risk her fortune, and the company that’s been her entire life, well I think that’s brave. While listening to all the “Oh, we love Meryl” and “oh, we hate republican government” we actually left. Not as profound as, The Post (The way they lied, those days have to be over), Golden Globe Predictions 2018! I too was lied to and told to do everything before having kids. They lied their way into Iraq. Ben Bradlee: What are you going to do, Mrs. Graham? Now normally, I would respectfully ask someone before sharing screenshots of a private conversation had over DM, but since I wasn’t afforded any such niceties by Nicole, turnabout is fair play. Kay Graham: Oh, dear. Ben Bagdikian: It’s just government secrets. Do you think this film played it too safe? Man on Phone: This is a devastating security breach that was leaked out of the Pentagon. Massive propaganda passes as knowledge. He has also adopted a “typical” tone of voice that diminishes his skill. (With a spatial separation, those can once again become these.With a separation in time, that is fundamentally impossible. But just because it happens in Movieland doesn't mean things work that way in the real world. Reminds me of Snowden in many ways. They lied. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment.. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread.. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only.. “Those guys had been following us for about three years, standing at a distance and taking pictures. ( Log Out /  The Post may be summarized very simply: wealthy old lady dithers about doing the right thing while the real hero gets five minutes of screen time. This was not Meryl trying to get us to believe she was actually a character other than herself, this was Meryl playing Meryl as the character. The two must overcome their differences as they risk their careers, and their very freedom, to help bring long-buried truths to light i publishing the Pentagon Papers. Then you have Steven Spielberg as your director, the three-time Oscar winner. Then there is the premise of the film, a politically-charged true story about Washington Post’s decision to publish top secret Pentagon Papers on the US involvement in the Vietnam War. They have taken over an entire six-block section of downtown Seattle, and that's fine with health authorities. Year: 2017 Fritz Beebe: Kay, people are concerned about having a woman in charge of the paper. The Guinness record-keepers will duly expunge her name from future editions of the Book. It definitely sheds a light on what goes on behind the scenes. 2. ( Log Out /  Ben Bagdikian: Ben, I might have something. However, while nominated for Best Picture and Best Actress, it seems highly unlikely at this point at winning the big categories. Ben Bradlee: Well we could all go to prison. I love that story! by MovieQuotesandMore.com | Best Quotes | 3 comments, Starring: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Sarah Paulson, Bob Odenkirk, Tracy Letts, Bradley Whitford, Bruce Greenwood, Matthew Rhys. I found the dialogue was hard to keep up with. Listen to Those Days Are Over from Dieters Lieder's Hvor flink kan man blive for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Ben Bradlee: Not yet. Ben Bradlee: The Time sent seven thousand pages detailing how the White House has been lying about the Vietnam War for thirty years. Meryl Streep uses her “typical” and oft used, East Coast, upper class, nasal, somewhat English tonality that is soooooo artificial and didn’t fit the role she was playing. This is what life in the Dark Ages if the 21st century looks like. But in this soup, there are various added chemicals, and those chemicals could easily be doing the cell-killing. I give it four stars because Matthew Rhys is always a treat to watch, he was the only character I felt empathy for and cared to watch. When you’ve got all that, it’s a surprise if it doesn’t pique the Academy’s attention. Even on a day that was hard like today, I don’t regret my decision. Ben Bradlee: Well, I don’t think you’re going to like the real one either. So they … Unfortunately Tom Hanks fell into this trap too, in this movie. Everybody knew, everbody saw, it was wrong for me. They didn't sacrifice who they were. He didn't actually have any of the proper certifications—he just lied his way into the job. So very over done, unnatural and insulting to our intelligence. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I cannot imagine how scary that would be, and I’m sure most would live with the guilty conscience rather than do something about it. Considering the film circulates around its characters, it’s important to properly introduce each one to the audience, before diving too fast into the plot. IMDb: 7.5/10 Ben Bradlee: The way they lied, those days have to be over. To make matters complicated, she was good friends with Robert McNamara, the Secretary of Defense at that time, and who was implicated by the papers. Acting-good, subject matter-fascinating and relevant to today but then I fell asleep during the last ten minutes, Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved | All images are copyright of their respective owners, [referring to the tied up box next to him in the seat on the plane], 'You know what my husband said about the news? Twitter claimed that until those accounts did so, they would simply not show up on follower accounts. He had been tricked and not told the truth of his fathers decease due to the hands of Handlar and all this time in Dragon Quest: The Adventure Of Dai he had been working for his true enemies. She just wasn’t believable. What do you think of The Post quotes? Nixon was too “hotten tot”. GENERAL COVID-19 Cover-Up Origin Exposed – They Lied! It’s thrilling and emotional, but interspersed with just the right amount of humour to bring you back to reality. So rather scream out, “Are you serious” the movie was a 2 (of 5) at best. Interesting movie until I fell asleep. It’s sophisticated language, spoken fast and firmly, and the amount of name-drops made it hard to remember who was who. The music is composed by the legendary John Williams, who wrote the score for Star Wars and Harry Potter, and has a record 51 Oscar nominations. Air Stewardess: It must be precious cargo. The contents of the papers though are horrible to hear. The so-called “intelligence community” is now admitting this. those days are over, i will not take it, those days are over. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. For you to fully appreciate it, you really have to review my entire DM history with Nicole Perlroth of the New York Times. Let us know in the comments below as we’d love to know. And the scene where the newspaper staff opened the box of stolen secret papers; UGH – it was like a scene from a children’s movie. And while studies are under way to assess radiation dosage inflicted on communities near some of the facilities and to find out what harm may have resulted, they will take years to complete. Washington Post Attorney: If you publish we’ll be at the Supreme Court next week. Other ratings: John Bolton and Mike Pompeo are both Iran hawks and Trump has been going the way they want him to, if not quite as quickly as they’d like. ( Log Out /  We will lose! Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. should've known that soon it would catch me up and take my soul away. The plot itself has a good pace, slowly building up in tension and suspense. The sudden change in music and tone felt like the end of a TV show, where they usually have a climax before the next episode. Director: Steven Spielberg wrong. 0 2 minutes read. As they followed the trails, they began to notice something suspicious: that the breaking of Watergate was an inside job. Not as profound as Spotlight in my opinion but I would still recommend it. Just let everyone have their way and take what was left over. Most of the film gravitates around her character and her choices, and the interesting dynamic she had with her chief editor Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks), whose outgoing and confident personality clashed with her more reserved temperament. Thankfully I didn’t listen and had them anyway. Not represented was the profound service that Daniel Ellsberg provided our nation with his release of the historically significant “Pentagon Papers” kept from the American people merely because it exposed the duplicity of politicians and the military. Another Spielberg feel-good offering, this time aimed at rich liberal elites; a congratulatory script meant to chill us that perhaps a wealthy newspaper owner and her managers may have had to, heaven forbid, give up a lavish lifestyle because of printing what others, taking life-changing risks, had the moral audacity to accomplish. Kay Graham: I’m asking your advice, Bob, not your permission. But if you confront them on any of these questions, they will tell you reflexively it is somebody else's fault. they'd say save yourself. Just amazing. Otherwise, the ensemble cast has some very fine acting wasted on what amounted to a side show during the Vietnam War. To have continued to send boys to war when the government knew they couldn’t win is morally wrong, and the seeming indifference by the government officials is disturbing to say the least. They missed a real opportunity to teach younger folks about that time in history, instead they fed the political divide. Year: 2017 Running time: 1 hour 54 minutes Director: Steven Spielberg Cast: Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks, Sarah Paulson, Bob Odenkirk, Tracey Letts, Matthew Rhys. Had they taken a little more time, it would have paid off in the long run, as the audience would have understood the plot better and thus be more invested in the outcomes. They're essential. Ben Bradlee: What is it you think we do here for a living, kid? Like I said in 2001 he would not baxk down even with the promise to do things his way after that time, He;s been on a 16 year rampage against his father, me, and nearly everyone we knew taking his rights back. I was in college when all this took place, I lived through the era – so I really wish they had treated the topic with more seriousness, rather than the “play acting” tone the movie used. Meg Greenfield: “The founding fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. There were a couple of issues I had with the film. Overall, a very refined and politically-charged drama that sees two of the finest actors display their prowess on the screen. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It’s thrilling and emotional, but interspersed with just the right amount of humour to bring you back to reality. There is no social distancing required. This wasn’t a movie for grownups and it doesn’t lend any credence to real journalism. It's a load of shit and they put Trump, Kavanaugh, etc, through more shit than anyone ever deserves. Tense, refined, hard-hitting drama mixed with politics, war, and scandal. “If they’d just come in here and been honest about who they were and what they wanted, it probably would have flown. While of a high quality, it fails to ignite any spark in the audiences imagination, making it a relatively unmemorable experience. Lyrics to "Those Were The Days" by MARY HOPKIN: Once upon a time there was a tavern / Where we used to raise a glass or two / Remember how we laughed away the hours / And dreamed of all the great things we would do / Those were the days my friend / We thought they'd never end / … While far from calling it a masterpiece, it explores an extremely timely topic (given current political conditions) and is held together by the ever magnificent performances from Streep and Hanks. everbody knew that soon it would present something new to me. After the movie there was a movie critic then asking how everyone liked it. Washington Post Attorney: [to Ben] We’re talking about exposing years of government secrets. There didn’t appear to be room for a critical review of the acting and the script of the movie. It’s a moral dilemma for sure, weighing between the public’s interest in releasing these papers, and her own business and lifeline. Eventually, they began following a cash trail (the burglars were funded for their work) and traced it all the way back to a committee that was the head honcho for Richard Nixon's campaign and eventual presidency. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors.”. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. wrong. Michael: Is that legal? That’s she doesn’t have the resolve to make the tough choices. Pseudo-science is the new religion. It’s an interesting story and something I have to admit I wasn’t familiar with prior to watching. Corona: if they lied then, why wouldn’t they lie now? And they used the best of who you are, and the best of what you have to give, to feed those lies. Their fine-print disclaimers even state there is no way to verify those EM images they had were in FACT “covid-19” virus. Meanwhile, the very uncertainty of the connection between radiation exposure and a variety of illnesses makes the future an agonizing mystery for many. They have ruined lives, they’ve destroyed businesses, they caused people to die. They used you as fodder in the war between themselves and everything they fear. I guess it was acceptable considering they probably wanted to keep the movie short. At some point sure but a lot of people are like me and not so forgiving to the way the left has created the divide this past 4 years and is now calling for unity. "They can't be there every step of the way. They not only took things relevant to January 6, but also Super Happy Fun America materials like posters and flags. Cinemascore: A. It’s the great American lie that you should have kids last since they’ll ruin your life. I think we would’ve understood the excitement and significance of the papers without the excessively pretentious acting. Best Picture seems like a two-way race between The Shape of Water and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri, and Best Actress will almost certainly go to Frances McDormand. Once I said, 'I lied about it,' I couldn't ask them to include me." Now we know the politicians lied to us. She has lost that ability somewhere along the way. Let me start off by saying that there could not be a more Oscar-bait film than this film right here. Once found out, they are invariably forgiven, and they stay on the straight and narrow from then on. Kay Graham: Meaning? those days are over. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Saying that, the film often forgets that the true hero was Daniel Ellsberg (Matthew Rhys). They lied, they lied, they lied. Now they are trying to lie their way out ... the Iraqis are no longer able to live under occupation as they have been doing. lie (one's) way into (something or some place) To obtain something or gain access to a particular place or thing through deceit. As most suspected from the beginning, there is actually a widespread deletion of conservative accounts going on under the guise of them being QAnon related. Kay Graham: Thank you, Arthur, for your frankness. At the very least, it feels like its setting up for a sequel, like one of the superhero films. Firstly, you’ve got Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks as your leads, both decorated Oscar winners (5 Oscar wins among them). Being lost from the beginning does not bode well for the success of the film. should've known before it was wrong for me. This was never about saving the healthcare system from crashing, because we have saved the system from crashing, and most of us are still in these goddamned lockdowns. He called it the first rough draft of history. Those Were the Days Lyrics: Once upon a time there was a tavern / Where we used to raise a glass or two / Remember how we laughed away the hours / Dreamed of all the great things we would do? Find those pages! In Episode 13 of Dragon Quest: The Adventure Of Dai we get the real truth behind what had happened on the day of Hyunckel's fathers Death and the reasoning for his hatred towards Avan the Hero. Still other scientists will say that, in a dish in a lab, they “have the virus growing”, and they know it, because the virus is destroying certain cells in the soup in the dish. He’s the guy who leaked the papers and put his reputation and life on the line. Not all the politicians lied. Ben Bradlee: So, can I ask you a hypothetical question? Robert McNamara: Nixon will muster the full power of the presidency, and if there’s a way to destroy you, by God he’ll find it! Maggie Mitchell March 1, 2021. Graham had to make a decision on whether she should publish the papers, putting the company at risk of legal action from the government, as well as potentially jeopardising its current IPO deal. Perlroth of the Book us know in the comments below as we ’ re going to everything! 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